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埃米尔.诺尔迪Emil Nolde

埃米尔.诺尔迪Emil Nolde(1867年8月7日——1956年4月13日),丹麦画家和版画复制匠。

  • 中文名埃米尔.诺尔迪
  • 外文名Emil Nolde
  • 性别
  • 国籍德国
  • 出生地埃米尔汉森
  • 出生日期1867年8月7日
  • 逝世日期1956年4月13日
  • 职业画家和版画复制匠



1889年,他获得了进入应用艺术学院卡尔斯鲁厄.从1892年到1898年他是一个绘画老师在学校工业与应用艺术博物馆(工业和Gewerbemuseum;今天,Textilmuseum,或纺织博物馆)圣加伦,瑞士。他最终离开了这个工作最终追求他的梦想成为一个独立的艺术家。作为一个孩子他爱画画,画,但他已经31岁的时候他的职业作为一个艺术家。当他被慕尼黑美术学院在1898年,他在接下来的三年私人绘画课程,参观巴黎,和熟悉当代流行的印象派的场景。他娶了丹麦演员Ada Vilstrup,1902年搬到柏林,他将收集器古斯塔夫Schiefler和艺术家卡尔Schmidt-Rottluff,两人会支持他的工作在以后的生活中。

他成为革命表现主义集团的一员Die Brucke德累斯顿(桥),1906年,该集团的邀请,本协会仅仅持续到年底。从1908年到1910年他的一员柏林分裂之前,被排除在1910年因与领导意见。1912年,他表现出康定斯基总部位于慕尼黑的集团Der数(蓝色的骑手);他取得了名望的这个时候,是通过他的艺术能够支持自己的。从1902年之后,他自称他的出生地。










Nolde的作品展出世界各地主要的博物馆,包括一名年轻女子和一个孩子的画像,画像的人(ca。1926),和一个年轻女孩的画像(1913 - 1914)赫米蒂奇博物馆彼得堡,俄罗斯,和先知(1921)和年轻夫妇(1913)纽约现代艺术博物馆。他最重要的印刷,先知(1912),是20世纪艺术的一个图标。

在他最重要的食用油Lesende junge夫人(1906),Blumengarten(ohne位的)(1908),和Blumen和Wolken(1933)。

埃米尔Nolde后的工作已经成为大家关注的焦点再次一幅题为Blumengarten(Utenwarf)从1917年开始,目前挂在艺术博物馆larsnittve,斯德哥尔摩,瑞典,价值4000000美元,被发现从奥托Nathan Deutsch被抢劫,德国犹太人难民的继承人,包括大屠杀幸存者,要求其返回。瑞典政府决定在2007年,博物馆必须解决的继承人。多伊奇被迫逃离德国二战前和离开阿姆斯特丹在1938年末或1939年初。这幅画被卖给瑞典的博物馆在拍卖瑞士,在1967年重新浮出水面。[9]其他重要的工作原理:

  • Lesende junge夫人,1906年,布面油画,Kunsthalle基尔
  • Blumengarten(ohne位的),1908年,帆布油画,苏富比买家2012年2月8日
  • 1907年安娜Wieds加藤,油画,私人收藏
  • 1927年Steigende Wolken,油画,Karl-Ernst-Osthaus-Museum,哈根
  • 油画Grosse Sonnenblumen,1928年,纽约大都会艺术博物馆
  • 1933年Blumen和Wolken,油画,博物馆Sprengel,汉诺威


English Introduction


Emil Nolde was born as Emil Hansen near the village of Nolde (since 1920 part of the municipality of Burkal in Southern Jutland, Denmark), in the Prussian Duchy of Schleswig. He grew up on a farm; his parents, devout Protestants, were Frisian and Danish peasants. He realized his unsuitability for farm life and that he and his three brothers were not at all alike. Between 1884 and 1891, he studied to become acarver and illustrator in Flensburg, and worked in furniture factories as a young adult. He spent his years of travel in Munich, Karlsruhe and Berlin.

In 1889, he gained entrance into the School of Applied Arts inKarlsruhe.[citation needed] From 1892 to 1898 he was a drawing instructor at the school of the Museum of Industrial and Applied Arts (Industrie- und Gewerbemuseum; today the Textilmuseum, or Textile Museum) in St. Gallen, Switzerland.[1] He eventually left this job to finally pursue his dream of becoming an independent artist. As a child he had loved to paint and draw, but he was already 31 by the time he pursued a career as an artist. When he was rejected by the Munich Academy of Fine Arts in 1898, he spent the next three years taking private painting classes, visiting Paris, and becoming familiar with the contemporary impressionist scene that was popular at this time. He married Danish actress Ada Vilstrup in 1902 and moved to Berlin, where he would meet collector Gustav Schiefler and artist Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, both of whom would advocate his work later in life.

He became a member of the revolutionary expressionist group Die Brücke (The Bridge), of Dresden, in 1906, upon the group's invitation; this association lasted only until the end of the following year. From 1908 to 1910 he was a member of the Berlin Secession, before being excluded in 1910 due to a disagreement with the leadership. In 1912 he exhibited with Kandinsky’s Munich-based group Der Blaue Reiter (The Blue Rider); he had achieved some fame by this time and was able to support himself through his art. From 1902 he called himself after his birthplace.

Nolde was a supporter of the Nazi party from the early 1920s, having become a member of its Danish section. He expressed negative opinions about Jewish artists, and considered Expressionism to be a distinctively Germanic style. This view was shared by some other members of the Nazi party, notably Joseph Goebbels and Fritz Hippler.

However Hitler rejected all forms of modernism as "degenerate art", and the Nazi regime officially condemned Nolde's work. Until that time he had been held in great prestige in Germany. A total of 1,052 of his works were removed from museums, more than those of any other artist.[4] Some were included in the Degenerate Artexhibition of 1937, despite his protests, including (later) a personal appeal to Nazi gauleiter Baldur von Schirach in Vienna. He was not allowed to paint—even in private—after 1941. Nevertheless, during this period he created hundreds of watercolors, which he hid. He called them the "Unpainted Pictures".

In 1942 Nolde wrote:

There is silver blue, sky blue and thunder blue. Every color holds within it a soul, which makes me happy or repels me, and which acts as a stimulus. To a person who has no art in him, colors are colors, tones tones...and that is all. All their consequences for the human spirit, which range between heaven to hell, just go unnoticed.

After World War II, Nolde was once again honored, receiving the German Order of Merit, West Germany's highest civilian decoration. He died in Seebüll (now part of Neukirchen).

Apart from paintings, Nolde's work includes many prints, often in color, and watercolor paintings of varied subjects: landscapes, religious images, flowers, stormy seas and scenes from Berlin nightlife. A famous series of paintings covers the German New Guinea Expedition, visiting the South Seas, Moscow, Siberia, Korea, Japan, and China. The Schiefler Catalogue raisonné of his prints describes 231 etchings, 197 woodcuts, 83 lithographs, and 4 hectographs.

Major works

Nolde's work is exhibited at major museums around the world, including Portrait of a Young Woman and a Child, Portrait of a Man (ca. 1926), and Portrait of a Young Girl(1913–1914) at the Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg, Russia; and Prophet (1921) andYoung Couple (1913) at the Museum of Modern Art, New York City. His most important print, The Prophet (1912), is an icon of 20th-century art.

Among his most important oils are Lesende junge Frau (1906), Blumengarten (ohne Figur)(1908), and Blumen und Wolken (1933).

Emil Nolde's work has become the focus of renewed attention after a painting entitledBlumengarten (Utenwarf)[7] from 1917, which now hangs in the art museum Moderna Museet,Stockholm, Sweden and has been valued at US$4,000,000, was discovered to have been looted from Otto Nathan Deutsch, a German-Jewish refugee whose heirs, including aHolocaust survivor, are asking for its return. The Swedish government decided in 2007 that the museum must settle with the heirs.[8] Deutsch was forced to flee Germany before World War II and left for Amsterdam in late 1938 or early 1939. The painting was sold to the Swedish museum at an auction in Switzerland, where it had resurfaced in 1967.[9]Other important works:

  • Lesende junge frau, 1906, oil on canvas, Kunsthalle Kiel
  • Blumengarten (ohne Figur), 1908, oil on canvas, Sotheby's purchaser 8 February 2012
  • Anna Wieds Garten, 1907, oil on canvas, Private Collection
  • Steigende Wolken, 1927, oil on canvas, Karl-Ernst-Osthaus-Museum, Hagen
  • Grosse Sonnenblumen, 1928, oil on canvas, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
  • Blumen und Wolken, 1933, oil on canvas, Museum Sprengel, Hanover

In recent years, Nolde's paintings have achieved prices of several million US dollars, in auctions conducted by the leading international auction houses. On 8 February 2012, Blumengarten (ohne Figur) was sold by Sotheby's in London for the amount of US$3,272,673.






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