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弗朗茨·理查德·恩特博格Franz Richard Unterberger

弗朗茨·理查德·恩特博格(* 8月15日 1837年在因斯布鲁克 ,† 5月25日 1902年在塞纳河畔-塞纳 )是蒂罗尔州的 风景画家在19世纪。

  • 中文名弗朗茨·理查德·恩特博格
  • 性别
  • 国籍奥地利
  • 民族蒂罗尔州
  • 出生日期1837
  • 逝世日期1902

他是建立在因斯布鲁克的一个艺术品经销商的长子。 从毕业后师范学校 ,他参加了商务部在慕尼黑学院,但很快转移到美术学院 ,在那里他由教授克莱门斯·冯·齐默尔曼和朱利叶斯·兰格被教导。 1858年,他跟着他的导师教授兰格,私人老师当时大公比利时的夏洛特是米兰。 在1859年的战争事件 ,然而,迫使他很快就回到慕尼黑。

只经过一个短暂的停留在巴伐利亚大都市,他去杜塞尔多夫 ,在那里的风景画家安德烈亚斯和奥斯瓦尔德阿亨巴赫他的才华在当地的艺术学院挂接在新的方向。 当时Unterberger把中间名理查德。 在他的老师的建议下,他于1860年游历, 挪威 ,那里众多的作品写的。 他的作品已经在因斯布鲁克, 维也纳和杜塞尔多夫发行,由艺术批评家持续偏低的受审判。 通过这一成功的鼓舞,艺术家还前往丹麦和英国和苏格兰海岸。

在他的家乡Unterberger总是发现动机,启发他也很活跃。 在逗留在蒂罗尔1862年,“比赛在因斯布鲁克阳光明媚照林锁定提示在后台”是大公的是 卡尔·路德维希被购买。

1864年,Unterberger离开了学院在杜塞尔多夫和移动作为一个独立的画家由布鲁塞尔 ,这是他选择了他的永久居留权。 从那里,他参观了法国南部及-对六十年代末-和意大利南部 。 意大利第一个画面,“很多那不勒斯附近,”是在维也纳艺术协会展出于1868年。 在1873年世界博览会 在维也纳,他所呈现的画面“索伦托,那不勒斯湾。” 在阳光明媚的海岸风光亚得里亚海,而且威尼斯 ,以其宏伟的建筑,美丽的角落和人们的喧闹是为Unterberger很快就成了他艺术创作的中心。 没有像其他艺术家,他能够重振他的照片的人物形象不从这里主要拍摄对象分散注意力。

在Unterberger特别感兴趣的的Tiroler兰德斯 ,拥有几部作品,包括油画“阿马尔菲和萨勒诺湾。”

而在1870年“很多卡普里岛”被公开展示,Unterberger创建从两张照片 阿亨湖 。 在蒂罗尔地区的展览于1893年,他被画'从丹麦图案代表“,”Posilippo那不勒斯湾“和”阿马尔菲,萨勒诺湾的。“ 他并没有在后来的时候投他表示蒂罗尔州的风景;在只有一小图象白云石 ,“奇莫德拉帕拉”是已知的。

Unterberger被授予了幸福的财富,他的画作被展出大多抛售。 在慕尼黑国际展览他的作品是通常发生在比利时的部门。 甚至比在慕尼黑,他在展览在布鲁塞尔多见, 巴黎和伦敦的代表,他被更广为人知,他的名字比奥地利更受欢迎。 他曾多次荣获金牌。 1874年他成为了皇帝弗朗茨·约瑟夫一世 ,对骑士的十字架弗朗茨-约瑟夫-订购获得。

他的外表是优雅的和他的举止无可挑剔的,他在他的旅行经验和见解无疑收购是非常非常有利。 尽管如此复杂,也许是因为,和他仍然是个单身汉。 当他不旅行,他住在布鲁塞尔。 从五月至七月期间,他经常住在纳伊,巴黎郊区,在那里他保持了工作室。 他死了5月25日1902年的影响行程 。 他的遗体被送往因斯布鲁克埋在家族金库。

1987提醒蒂罗尔省博物馆与回顾展 ,以纪念这一重要的蒂罗尔州的艺术家的生活和工作的150岁生日。

English is introduced

He is based in innsbruck, the firstborn of an art dealer. From normal school after graduation, he took part in the institute of the ministry of commerce in Munich, but quickly moved to the academy of fine arts, where he made by professor Roger Clemens von zimmermann and Julius Lange are taught. In 1858, he followed his mentor, professor langer, private teacher when archduke Belgium charlotte is milan. In the 1859 war, however, forced him to quickly return to Munich.

Only after a short stay in the Bavarian city, he went to Dusseldorf, where the landscape painter andreas and Oswald, heng Bach his talent in a local art college articulated in new directions. The middle name Richard Unterberger at that time. Under his teacher's advice, he traveled in 1860, Norway, where written many works. His work has been in innsbruck, Vienna and Dusseldorf, be judged by constantly low art critic. Motivated by this success, the artist also to the coast of Denmark and England and Scotland.

In his hometown Unterberger always find motivation, inspire he is also very active. Stay in tyrol in 1862, "sunny in innsbruck game Lin lock hints" in the background is the archduke Karl Ludwig was buying.

Left the school in 1864, Unterberger in Dusseldorf and moving as an independent artist from Brussels, this is he chose his permanent residence. From there, he visited the south of France and - to the 60 s - and southern Italy. Italy the first picture, "a lot of near Naples," is on display in Vienna art association in 1868. At the 1873 world expo in Vienna, he shows images of "sorrento, the bay of Naples." In the sunny Adriatic coast scenery, and Venice, with its magnificent buildings, the beauty corner and noise of people is to Unterberger soon became the center of his artistic creation. Not like other artists, he can revive his photo characters don't distract from the main subject here.

In Unterberger particularly interested in Tiroler landes, has several films, including the oil painting "at amalfi and the gulf of Salerno."

In 1870, "a lot of capri" is on public display, Unterberger created from the two photos Heng lake. In tyrol region exhibition in 1893, he was painting 'delegates from a Danish design ", "Posilippo Naples bay" and "at amalfi, the gulf of Salerno. "He is not in the later when he said the scenery of tirol, only a small image in dolomite," para "Della's are known.

Happiness of wealth, has been awarded to Unterberger selling most of his paintings were exhibited. In Munich international exhibition of his work is usually occurs in Belgium. Even more than in Munich, he in exhibition in Brussels, Paris and London, he was better known, his name is more popular than Austria. He has repeatedly won the gold medal. In 1874 he became the emperor Franz Joseph I, the knight's cross Franz Joseph - get to order.

His appearance is graceful and his impeccable behavior, in his travel experience and insights it is a very good buy. In spite of this complex, perhaps because of, and he is still a bachelor. When he did not travel, he lives in Brussels. From may to July, he often live in neuilly, a Paris suburb, where he kept the studio. He died on May 25, 1902, the effects of stroke. His body was taken to innsbruck, buried in the family vault.

1987 remind tyrol province museum with the retrospective to commemorate this important tirol's life and work of the artist's 150th birthday.






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