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费尔南多·埃雷拉Fernando de Herrera

费尔南多·埃雷拉Fernando de Herrera(1534年——1597年),西班牙画家。

  • 中文名费尔南多·埃雷拉
  • 外文名Fernando de Herrera
  • 性别
  • 国籍西班牙
  • 出生地塞维利亚
  • 出生日期1534年
  • 逝世日期1597年
  • 职业画家


虽然良好的经验和知识渊博-埃雷拉是非常尊敬的意大利诗歌,经典,圣经(所有这一切都影响了他的工作) -他从未知道有持有的学位。他欣赏特别,一是西班牙诗人加尔西拉索·德·拉·维加,其风格影响了他自己的诗。埃雷拉不只是有知识的古文物的兴趣,但是,是他感兴趣的时事,尤其是那些与军事。这方面的证据被认为是在他的爱国canciones(听歌),其中他表达对当代军事领导人和操作感受。

为了适应他的避难需要,埃雷拉把未成年人的命令在天主教教会并获得了采邑安德烈斯,塞维利亚的教区。然而,尽管埃雷拉显示孤独的热爱,他不是隐士。大约1559年,他打了唐友谊阿尔瓦罗科隆 Ÿ葡萄牙,赫尔韦斯的伯爵和他的妻子,莱昂诺尔多纳德米兰科尔多瓦ÿ阿拉贡。埃雷拉是经常伯爵邀请参加他tertulia(文学沙龙),精英文艺圈,在那里他将与本地诗人,书,画家,艺术家和许多男人友谊的一次会议。这是他与多纳莱昂诺尔与他的缪斯提供埃雷拉关系。埃雷拉对多纳莱昂诺尔的爱激发了他的爱情诗。但是,他们从来没有足以挑起她有同样的感受。





埃雷拉的作品涵盖了广泛的议题,代表他的大跨度的知识和利益。埃雷拉的军事诗歌(他canciones,或歌曲),例如,是当代军事领导人和事件中,埃雷拉证明他的爱国精神,忠诚的基督教信仰,尊重伟大的领导者的帐户。关于这个主题三首诗包括CanciónPOR德拉维多利亚德尔阅兵式唐璜(咏唐璜的胜利),写于1572年,在爱国主义显示在称赞通过在西班牙海军所做的工作勒班陀战役 1571年; Canción人阅兵式唐胡安德奥地利vencedor德洛斯摩尔人恩拉斯维加斯哈拉斯(颂唐胡安德奥地利,摩尔人在哈拉斯的征服者),写于1571年,在庆祝埃雷拉的领导谁1568和1571年之间停止一个穆斯林叛乱; CanciónPOR LApérdida德尔REI唐塞巴斯蒂安(咏王塞巴斯蒂安的失败),写的1579年,这里的诗人纪念葡萄牙国王的死亡。

埃雷拉的他的灵感缪斯爱情诗,赫尔韦斯的伯爵夫人,可以分为两个时期。第一,“RIMAS Juventiles”(青春押韵),是由爱的埃雷拉的描述,一个幸福的状态,其中有没有痛也不痛苦定义; 在这种状态下,即使是不可能可能发生。在第二个时期,爱情逃脱现实和生活在幻想和完美的世界。这一时期,所属的“Poesías”(诗),诗歌体,发表在连续的版本。

埃雷拉的工作的第三个主要领域,一个是他是最有名的,是关系到加尔西拉索·德·拉·维加,西班牙诗人和作家谁在埃雷拉最高的推崇。一个埃雷拉的最有名的作品,奥夫拉斯德Garci套索CON anotaciones去费尔南多-赫雷拉人ilustrissimo我ecelentissimo阅兵式唐安东尼奥·古斯曼的Marques de阿亚蒙特,Governador德尔斯卡德米兰,我的Capitan一般德意大利(与Gracilaso德拉维加厂评论由费尔南多·埃雷拉的最杰出和优秀的唐·安东尼奥·古斯曼,阿亚蒙特,米兰的州州长,和意大利的总队长)的私人物品,写于1580年,不仅显示埃雷拉的钦佩加尔西拉索的诗也是他掌握说诗人的节奏,选择的话,连贯性,仪表的秩序,影响的复杂细节,他们对诗作为一个整体。正是这种知识,开车埃雷拉投入这种一丝不苟的他自己的工作。

English Introduction


Although Herrera's family was only moderately wealthy, they were highly esteemed in Seville. During Herrera's lifetime, Seville was a bustling port city from which many transatlantic voyages would embark, and trading took place with countries all over the world. This active atmosphere, however, was somewhat contradictory to Herrera's character. He therefore sought solace from the busy city life through his poetry. However, whereas spending much of his time in seclusion allowed him to concentrate on his work and artistic interests, it also brought him much criticism from others. The academic community, especially Rodrigo Caro and Juan Gutiérrez Rufo, mocked him for his unorthodox ways.

Although well-learned and knowledgeable — Herrera was a great admirer of Italian poetry, the classics, and the Bible (all of which influenced his work) — he was never known to have held any academic degree. He admired one Spanish poet in particular, Garcilaso de la Vega, whose style influenced his own poetry. Herrera did not just have an antiquarian interest in knowledge, however; he was interested in current events, especially those related to the military. Evidence of this is seen in his patriotic canciones (songs) in which he expresses feelings toward contemporary military leaders and actions.

To accommodate his need for refuge, Herrera took minor orders in the Catholic Church [1] and received a benefice in San Andrés, a parish of Seville. However, though Herrera displayed a love for solitude, he was no hermit. Around 1559, he struck up a friendship with Don Álvaro Colón y Portugal, Count of Gelves, and his wife, Doña Leonor de Milán de Córdoba y Aragón. Herrera was frequently invited by the count to attend his tertulia (literary salon), a meeting of an elite literary circle where he would form many friendships with local poets, men of letters, painters, and artists. It was his relationship with Doña Leonor that provided Herrera with his muse. Herrera's love for Doña Leonor inspired his love poems. However, they were never enough to provoke the same feelings in her.

After the death of Leonor in 1581, Herrera lost his desire to write further love poetry. In addition, the death of the count in 1582 ended his attendance at the disbanded literary tertulia at the palace. Henceforth, Herrera devoted himself to two major projects: a history of the world up to the death of Charles V and a biography of Thomas More. The writer continued to work up to his death in 1597 at the age of 63.



Herrera's meticulous study and eventual mastery of poetic discourse earned him the name "el Divino" ("the divine one"), a name given him byMiguel Cervantes, author of Don Quixote. In addition, his knowledge of poetic topics helped him to become one of the leaders of the school of poets to which Herrera belonged in Seville.

The works of Herrera cover a wide range of subjects, representing his large span of knowledge and interests. Herrera's military poetry (hiscanciones, or songs), for example, are accounts of contemporary military leaders and events in which Herrera demonstrates his patriotism, loyalty to the Christian faith, and respect for great leaders. Three poems concerning this theme include Canción por la Victoria del Señor don Juan (Ode to the Victory of Don Juan), written in 1572, where patriotism is displayed in praising the work done by the Spanish navy at the Battle of Lepanto in 1571; Canción al señor don Juan de Austria vencedor de los moriscos en las Alpujarras (Ode to Don Juan de Austria, Conqueror of the Moors in the Alpujarras), written in 1571, where Herrera celebrates a leader who stopped a Muslim revolt between 1568 and 1571; and Canción por la pérdida del Rei don Sebastián (Ode to the Defeat of King Sebastian), written in 1579, where the poet commemorates the death of a Portuguese king.

Herrera's love poetry inspired by his muse, the Countess of Gelves, can be divided into two periods. The first, "Rimas Juventiles" (Youthful Rhymes), is defined by Herrera's description of love as a blissful state, in which there is neither pain nor suffering; in this state, even the impossible can happen. In the second period, love escapes reality and lives in a world of fantasy and perfection. To this period belongs the "Poesías" (Poems), a body of poetry, published in successive editions.

A third major area of Herrera’s work, and one for which he is best known, is related to Garcilaso de la Vega, the Spanish poet and author whom Herrera held in the highest esteem. One of Herrera's most famous works, Obras de Garci Lasso con anotaciones de Fernando de Herrera al ilustrissimo i ecelentissimo Señor don Antonio de Guzman, Marques de Ayamonte, Governador del Estado de Milan, i Capitan General de Italia(Works of Gracilaso de la Vega with Comments by Fernando de Herrera to the Most Illustrious and Excellent Don Antonio de Guzman, Marques of Ayamonte, Governor of the State of Milan, and Captain General of Italy), written in 1580, displays not only Herrera's admiration for Garcilaso's poetry but also his mastery of the intricate details of said poet's rhythm, choice and order of words, coherency, meter, and the effects they have on the poem as a whole. It is this knowledge which drove Herrera to devote such meticulous attention to his own work.






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