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中国剪纸是一种用剪刀或刻刀在纸上剪刻花纹,用于装点生活或配合其他民俗活动的民间艺术。在中国,剪纸具有广泛的群众基础,交融于各族人民的社会生活,是各种民俗活动的重要组成部分。其传承赓续的视觉形象和造型格式,蕴涵了丰富的文化历史信息,表达了广大民众的社会认以、道德观念、实践经验、生活理想和审美情趣,具有认知、教化、表意、抒情、娱乐、交往等多重社会价值 。
2006年5月20日,剪纸艺术遗产经国务院批准列入第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录 。2009年9月28日至10月2日举行的联合国教科文组织保护非物质文化遗产政府间委员会第四次会议上,中国申报的中国剪纸项目入选“人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录” 。


  • 中文名中国剪纸
  • 外文名Chinese paper-cut
  • 起 源公元六世纪
  • 所属类别民族文化遗产
  • 剪纸大师李守白
  • 实 质中国民间美术
  • 地 位国家级非物质文化遗产名录
陇中剪纸后继乏人——西风烈·中国剪纸艺术大展 (作者:高素娜)

中国美术网 09-17 浏览

来源:《中国文化报•美术周刊》  6月1日,由中华民族文化促进会剪纸艺术委员会主办的“西风烈·中国剪纸艺术大展”在甘肃省定西市文化馆举办。来自甘肃、云南...


世纪,但人们认为它的实际开始时间比这还要早几百年。剪纸常用于宗教仪式,装饰和造型艺术等方面。 在过去,人们经常用纸做成形态各异的物像和人像,与死者一起下葬或葬礼上燃烧,这一习俗在中国境外有时仍可见到。剪纸艺术一般都有象征意义,也是这种仪式的一部分;此外剪纸还被用作祭祀祖先和神仙所用供品的装饰物。
中国民间剪纸手工艺术,犹如一株常春藤,古老而长青,它特有的普及性、实用性、审美性成为了符合民众心理需要的象征意义。过去,这是每个女孩所必须掌握的手工艺术,并且还被人们来品评新娘的一个标准。而职业的剪纸艺人则常常是男人,因为只有男人才能在作坊里一起劳作并挣工钱。今天,有许多学艺术的人都将剪纸用各种方式表现出来,如:舞蹈《简化女》、《剪纸娃娃》等。相信,在大家的努力下,剪纸这象征着中国的工艺制作会被 发扬光大!


1. 依附性与独立性的统一







锯齿式剪纸 民间剪纸的夸张,在为体现物象特征的同时,也要求达到装饰美的目的,并在装饰美的效果中表现出创作者对生活的理想、愿望等精神追求。为了使所需突出的部分更明确、更集中、更引人注目,往往在物象上添加一些纹饰,以达到完美的装饰性目的。求美的意愿也成为夸张的内容之一。表现人物时,将人物的衣服上缀满花朵;描绘动物时,将动物身上的毛皮夸张成漩涡状,或在其身上直接添加图案,这使原本普通的形象变得通透,体现出很强的装饰性。锯齿形和月牙形是民间剪纸常用的装饰纹样。





English Introduction

Folk paper cutting is one of the forms of Chinese folk art and has a long history. Folk paper-cut as the embodiment of China source philosophy, a comprehensive, beautification and propitious characteristic in the form of performance, while the performance of their particular language folk paper-cut, convey the meaning and essence of traditional culture.
Paper cutting is one of the most popular folk art in China, according to archaeology, its history can be traced back to ad six
Chinese paper cut
In the 21st century, however, it is believed that it actually began several centuries earlier. Paper cutting is often used in religious ceremony, decoration and plastic arts. In the past, people often make different patterns of paper like figures and burning, and buried with the deceased or funeral, the customs in China sometimes can still see the outside. Generally the art of symbolism, is also part of the ceremony; in addition to paper-cut is also used for ornaments with offerings of the worship gods and ancestors.
The art of paper-cut in the north now, more widespread, paper-cut is used for decoration. Paper cutting can be used to decorate walls, doors and windows, room columns, mirrors, lights and lanterns, etc., can also be used for ornament embellishment, and even paper cutting itself can also be presented as a gift to others. People often used paper cutting as embroidery and spray painting art model.
But instead of paper cutting machines made by hand, there are two common methods: scissors and scissors. As the name suggests, scissors cut is with the help of scissors, cut and then put a few (generally no more than 8) paper paste up, and then use sharp scissors to the pattern processing. One is the first paper into several overlapping, put in the ash and animal fat composition of the mix of soft body, with a knife and then slowly scratching. Paper cutting artists generally vertical grip knife, according to certain models will be processed into the paper to the pattern. A pair of scissors and compared, is an advantage can be processed into a plurality of scissors paper-cut patterns. In rural areas, paper cutting is usually done by women and girls.
China folk paper-cut manual art, like a vine, evergreen ancient, the popularity of its unique, practical, aesthetic and has become the people in line with the symbolic meaning of psychological needs. In the past, this is every girl must master the art of hand, a standard and also people to the bride. Occupation and paper-cut artists are usually men, because only men can work together in the workshop and earn wages. Today, there are many people who study art will be paper-cut in various ways to show, such as: Dance "simplified female", "paper-cut dolls" and so on. I believe, in everyone's efforts, paper cutting this symbol of China's craft production will be carried forward!Folk paper cutting has been able to go through the long history of China without losing its pure and fresh characteristics, and China's rural solid social structure and cultural structure has a close relationship. It is contradictory in its own existence process, and
The different characteristics of each other determine the way of changing natural selection, thus opening up the distance between Palace Art and literati art.
1 unity of dependence and independence
Folk paper cutting is an essential artistic activity in line with folk customs. Its existence must be attached to the folk cultural background and living environment. A funeral home, windows can not paste prosperously; the doll is not sick, old grandma is not willing to cut a little soul hanging before lining for everyone; gifts, to see the wedding, funeral or death; an old married couple in the house if the paste an account like flowers, it must the young man is playing; no rain, if the rain is not cut "alone, but for female incompletely Bangchui" sunny "so great days", I do not know how many people to have been cursed. This kind of dependent character which is restricted by the purpose of existence is embodied in the composition processing of specific works, that is, the decorative features of works. Such as hanging hanging door and hutch cloud like, wire must be connected; in the window pane and requires suitable, and hollow, or to meet light see just a big piece of paper; paste as Kang Wai, the best cutting system pattern, or a long time it is easy to damage.
Many restrictions, but also the formation of a unique art language. Folk paper-cut in the completion of a certain role of folklore, but also strongly demonstrated their independence in the process of existence ---- the beauty of the characteristics. A paper-cut, whether it is used for the occasion, the aesthetic feelings in the process of creation into their inevitable. As long as people affirm it with beauty standards, it has aesthetic value in existence. Of course, the independence of the folk paper-cut of this art form, the folk is not limited off, but the full control of the arbitrary forms of folk custom. Thus. Its value is also beyond the folk behavior to foil.
This artistic independence, with social change and the gradual disappearance of the old folk and gradually obvious.Chinese folk paper-cut manual art has its own process of formation and development, the invention of paper is in the Western Han Dynasty (BC sixth Century BC), this was not possible until there is art, but when people use a thin sheet material
Chinese paper cut
The material, arts and crafts made by carving techniques, but did not appear early in the paper has been popular with carving, engrave, tick, moment, shear techniques in gold, leather, silk, and even cut patterns on the leaves. "Shear seal younger brother Tong historical records" in the account of the early Western Zhou Cheng with leaf cut into "Gui" thanks to his brother, Feng Ji Yu to Tang hou. During the Warring States period is useful for leather Louhua, (Hubei Jiang Ling mountain, one of the cultural relics unearthed in Chu tomb), hollow Carved Silver (Henan Huixian village of solid around the Warring States ruins unearthed cultural relics), and paper-cut the same again, they all appear to lay a foundation for the formation of folk paper-cut. I found the earliest paper-cut works, in 1967 Chinese archaeologists in Xinjiang near the Turpan basin as the scene Tanagu Jiaohe ruins group, two flowers paper-cut found, they used the hemp paper is folded type sacrifice they found paper-cut, which forms Chinese paper-cut provides physical evidence.
Paper cutting on the history of handmade art, that is, the true sense of paper cutting should start from the emergence of paper. The invention of Han paper promoted the emergence, development and popularization of paper cutting. The paper is a very easy material rotten in the humid climate of the southeastern China, together with the local rainy day every year five, June, for a long time on the rotten paper products, folk paper-cut is a popular thing, like people do not like the treasures stored, ruining themselves can also be then cut. In Northwest China heavenly little rain, dry climate, not easy to rotten paper, which may be one of the important reasons for the paper-cut found in Xinjiang Turpan area.
Tang dynasty
The Tang Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty paper-cut flowers paper-cut has been in a major period of development, Du Fu's poem "I wash my feet warm, paper cutting move my soul" of the sentence, the paper-cut evocation at the time was the custom of folk. The Tang Dynasty paper-cut are hidden in the British Museum can be seen at the time of the paper-cut has a very high level of craftsmanship, composition full, the expression of an ideal the immeasurably vast difference. The Tang Dynasty popular Jie, the paper-cut pattern has flowers engraved version features, such as hidden Japan shosoin "on the sheep, the sheep pattern is typical of the paper-cut manual art expression. The Tang Dynasty folk paper-cut form also appeared with leakage version of printing board, people spend version carved with thick paper, will be printed to the fabric dye, form a beautiful pattern.
Song dynasty
The Song Dynasty mature paper, paper products and a multitude of names, provided the conditions for the popularization of paper-cut. As a folk gift "fireworks", affixed to the window on the "window", or for the lantern, tea lamp decoration. The Song Dynasty folk paper-cut by gradually expanding the scope, Jiangxi Jizhou kiln paper cutting as a ceramic glaze, firing pattern, through the ceramic is more beautiful; the folk also uses the form of paper-cut, donkeys, cattle, horses, sheep and other animal skin, carved into the shadow of the characters of ornamental plate; blue calico process is oil board carved lines, scraping printing patterns is the paper-cut flower version techniques, yin and Yang carved the points, line to cut, to the actual point.
The Ming and Qing Dynasties
Ming and Qing period paper-cut art to maturity, and reached its heyday. The folk paper-cut manual art used more widely, such as folk lantern on the floral, fan decoration, and embroidery patterns and so on, all is to use as a decorative paper cutting into processing. But more often is our country folk paper-cut as decorative Home Furnishing ornaments to beautify the home environment, such as the door, window, cabinet stack of flowers, like flowers, flowers and other roof are used to decorate doors and windows, the room of the paper-cut. In addition to the Southern Song Dynasty after the emergence of the paper pattern craftsmen, Chinese folk paper-cut arts and crafts of the most basic team, or those rural women. She is an important symbol of China's traditional female perfect, as the required skills of needlework paper-cut, it has become a girl from an early age to learn the craft. From their predecessors or sisters there to learn paper-cut patterns, through cutting, heavy cutting, painting the scissors, depicting himself familiar with and love of the natural scenery, fishes and insects birds and animals, flowers and trees, pavilion bridge landscape, and finally reach the free state, a new pattern to cut casually.The creators of folk paper cutting as a part of life, yearning for a better life and the worship of ancient totem, is the main content of folk paper-cut expression. And the performance of these full of folk customs and religion, the subject of philosophy, can only imagine subjectively, which makes the image of paper-cut way, and his images depicting cannot do without exaggeration of the art language of the people.
Folk paper-cut style exaggeration, is the complexity of the content of systematic, standardized process, not describe the objective of nature. Therefore, the paper-cut image is more prominent than the prototype, more eye-catching. This is determined by a large historical and cultural background and living environment, derived from a rich life. At the same time, to discard the dross and select the essential living material, the processing is based by cutting out the superfluous, folk paper-cut modeling. Excluding non essential things, highlighting the characteristics of the character of the part of the complex for the simple art re creation is the exaggeration of folk paper-cut. An exaggeration is to emphasize the object characteristics in ellipsis on the basis of treatment, increase or decrease the elongation, bold on the most special part of the image, make the image more characteristic and artistic charm. In many folk paper-cut works, characters can almost see the facial shape of eyes, because in people's minds, the most lifelike eyes, so the creators of human eyes were exaggerated processing.
Sawtooth style paper-cut folk paper-cut exaggeration, in order to reflect the characteristics of images at the same time, also reached the requirements of decorative beauty, and show the creators of the ideal of life, the desire of spiritual pursuit in the decorative beauty effect. In order to highlight the required part of a more clear, more focused, more compelling, often add some patterns in the images, to achieve the perfect decorative purposes. Seeking beauty will become one of the exaggerated content. The performance figures, the figures will be clothes studded with flowers; depicting the animal, the animal fur exaggeration to swirl in the body, or directly add patterns, which makes the original ordinary image becomes transparent, reflecting the highly decorative. The zigzag and crescent is commonly used in folk paper-cut decoration patterns.
The creative process of folk paper-cut, through exaggeration in real life after the "true" process to the art of "beauty" evolution and deepening, is the creator of the thoughts and feelings of psychological and aesthetic beauty, the embodiment of the. Of life in long-term observation and understanding, through long-term practice, familiar with paper-cut the creators of the law, will balance, stagger, density and irregular lines free combination, constitute a wonderful rhythm of the dynamic law and adds interest, enrich the appeal of the image.
Folk paper-cut from life, paper-cut the creators of life, their understanding of nature, sentiment expressed by this special paper-cut art form, is an expression of their inner feelings, therefore, this kind of artistic expression is similar, but not the form like. At the same time, the limitation of paper cutting technology should not adopt completely realistic technique, only using the method of projecting the object outline feature, using distortion and exaggeration to highlight the characteristics of the object. Therefore exaggeration and deformation become one of the most commonly used expressions in paper cutting. Exaggeration is the crystallization of human wisdom and creative work, whether it is the Yangshao culture pottery decoration, graphic patterns Shang bronze or stone carving art of the Qin and Han Dynasty, is to display its eternal artistic charm to exaggerate the beauty of art. Paper cutting as the direct bearing of the original art, has prominent performance in exaggerated deformation. The contents of folk paper-cut from real life, and most of them reflect working people's life and things, but it is not only the performance of the work of the simulated images of simple and intuitive, but beyond the reality of objective performance, the usual standard by nature, exaggeration and distortion change object form to change the nature. The.
The creators of folk paper cutting as a part of life, yearning for a better life and the worship of ancient totem, is the main content of folk paper-cut expression. And the performance of these full of folk customs and religion, the subject of philosophy, can only imagine subjectively, which makes the image of paper-cut way, and his images depicting cannot do without exaggeration of the art language.
Folk paper-cut style exaggeration, is the complexity of the content of systematic, standardized process, not describe the objective of nature. Therefore, the paper-cut image is more prominent than the prototype, more eye-catching. This is determined by a large historical and cultural background and living environment, derived from a rich life. At the same time, to discard the dross and select the essential living material, the processing is based by cutting out the superfluous, folk paper-cut modeling. Excluding non essential things, highlighting the characteristics of the character of the part of the complex for the simple art re creation is the exaggeration of folk paper-cut. An exaggeration is to emphasize the object characteristics in ellipsis on the basis of the processing of the images for the most special part of the expansion of narrow, elongated, bold, deformation, make the image more characteristic and artistic charm. In many folk paper-cut works, characters can almost see the facial shape of eyes, because in people's minds, the most lifelike eyes, so the creators of human eyes were exaggerated processing.The folk paper-cut exaggeration, in order to reflect the characteristics of images at the same time, also reached the requirements of decorative beauty, and show the creators of the ideal of life, the desire of spiritual pursuit in the decorative beauty effect. In order to highlight the required part of a more clear, more focused, more compelling, often add some patterns in the images, to achieve the perfect decorative purposes. Seeking beauty will become one of the exaggerated content. The performance figures, the figures will be clothes studded with flowers; depicting the animal, the animal fur exaggeration to swirl in the body, or directly add patterns, which makes the original ordinary image becomes transparent, reflecting the highly decorative. The zigzag and crescent is commonly used in folk paper-cut decoration patterns.The basic materials of paper cutting is the plane of the paper, the basic unit is a line and block surface, the basic language symbol is the decoration of the point, line and plane, and due to the limited materials, not good at paper-cut multilevel complex picture content and lighting effects and images of the volume, depth and fluctuation, so we should adopt the head of composition in the composition, the object and scene by three-dimensional image into a two-dimensional space plane image, based on the material performance of a bold choice, with simple lines by cutting out the superfluous, summarize, make the picture focused, black and white actual situation contrast, in order to enhance the performance of the work force, using the plane view of the world of images that determines the characteristics of complanation paper-cut performance, visual that any image are coexist in a particular shape within the. Folk paper-cut with the expansion of the way of thinking, extreme arbitrary. The creators of the scissors, cut into no volume, no space, no perspective, regardless of the proportion with his spiritual experience and the nature of arbitrary choice, bold creation. In order to express their own ideas, creators can break the natural objective law and space constraints, different space-time and different space objects on the same plane. This static plane can show three-dimensional, four-dimensional or even multi-dimensional space, and through dynamic thinking, continuous depiction of the world in their hearts. Folk paper-cut is the use of limitations make a fuss of the paper, said in the limited freedom, the impossible, to simplify the three-dimensional world into two-dimensional space. Infinite space, infinite complex shapes are placed on a plane, flat contour became the basis of paper-cut modeling. Therefore, the unique performance of folk paper-cut is based on the thorough concept of two-dimensional space. Paper cutting creators to play to its true to pure artistic nature, breaking the shackles of the objective world, multi angle, multi-faceted, multi-level performance of the artistic objects of their hearts.
Folk paper-cut this composition thinking is not subject to the limitations of life practices, subject matter, will be a number of creative image organization, to produce coherent, contrast, foil role. This kind of plane takes the expression technique, enhanced the paper-cut subjective, the space-time, the stereoscopic, the comprehensiveness, its ultimate goal is for pursues the modelling integrity. The aim is that all these psychological basis in the folk paper-cut, cut the foreground and background objects appeared in a plane, the images are not mutually occluded, do not overlap each other, both looking at the images, but also see the back images, thus showing a strong decorative style. The overall situation for simple thoughts and feelings and aesthetic patterns, the creator is to break the barriers, the use of exterior unified approach to the performance of the full images. The paper-cut, the reality of the images back, top, bottom or internal although it is invisible, but it is the perception of the existence of inner, invisible is reasonable, but not cut out it is not reasonable.
In addition, the framework and performance of folk paper-cut is not a fixed point of view of static visual image simulation or reproduction, but the perceptual and rational fully integrated dynamic dialectical. Chinese folk art in the perspective of not seeking longitudinal feeling, and has "see much, see full" aesthetic identification. Folk paper-cut also reflects this aesthetic concept, reflecting the panorama of things in the two-dimensional space.
Paper-cut works with scattered Perspective
The composition form of folk paper-cut completely abandoned the "focus" of the concept of perspective painting, not only broke the time and space, the ratio between the limit of specific position and completely left the scene, with the image of the primary and secondary, symmetrical and balanced form of the law unified picture. At the same time, the folk paper-cut is also a method for patterning the bulk of the point, is about to separate different materials, and do not cross, even each object has its own perspective, and the author of these different materials can be reasonably arranged in the same plane. This is unreasonable in reality, but also naturally reasonable in paper-cut.
Bound folk paper-cut images from the inherent nature of the form, he was not satisfied with the appearance of the simulation, all of the images shown in the plane. At the same time as the integrity of the pursuit of style, different scenery and different space and time are depicted, fully embodies the creator of the wonderful originality and aesthetic aspirations of the overall situation.
In the paper cutting techniques, mainly divided into: incised, carved, and mixed moment method. But instead of paper cutting machines made by hand, there are two common methods: scissors and scissors. As the name suggests, scissors scissors are with the help of scissors, cut and then put a few (generally no more than 8 paper-cut paste up, and finally the use of sharp scissors on the pattern processing. One is the first paper into several overlapping, put in the ash and animal fat composition of the mix of soft body, with a knife and then slowly scratching. Paper cutting artists generally vertical grip knife, according to certain models will be processed into the paper to the pattern. A pair of scissors and compared, is an advantage can be processed into a plurality of scissors paper-cut patterns.






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