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 文殊菩萨,梵名Mañjuśrī ,音译作文殊师利、曼殊室利、满祖室哩,意译为妙德、妙吉祥、妙乐、法王子。又称文殊师利童真、孺童文殊菩萨。为佛教四大菩萨之一。与般若经典关系甚深,故称为大智文殊师利菩萨  。

  • 中文名文殊菩萨
  • 外文名Man~jus/ri^
  • 别名文殊师利、曼殊室利、满祖室哩
  • 出生地舍卫国
  • 信仰佛教
  • 主要成就佛教四大菩萨之一
  • 所处时代佛陀时代
  • 称誉诸佛之母,七佛之师
  • 坐骑狮子,象征其威猛

中国美术网 09-05 浏览







English Introduction

Manjusri Sanskrit Manjusri. The old name Manjushri, full of little corpse, manjushri. Ancient translation: miaode, Miao, song, song, song Jing Pu Ru song. His said: wonderful auspicious, Manjusri Manjusri Miao or Italy, Shri or chamber is the head of Germany, or auspicious meaning. Referred to as manjusri. The left flank of Buddha Shakya Muni. And the Buddha, Samantabhadra collectively Sam kegon. Is the Buddha's disciple, wisdom, eloquence first, for the Bodhisattva, a symbol of the Buddha Bodhisattva of wisdom, called "wisdom". In China, he and the goddess of mercy "," mercy "hidden", "may" Samantabhadra is called the four bodhisattva. Shanxi Mount Wutai is Manjusri dojo. The shape of the top five bun (representing the Tathagata five sword (Intelligence), said the wisdom), mounts as a lion (said the wisdom of the mighty) shape.
Manjusri Manjusri, or Mansfield shri. Miao Miao, Miao jixiang. The good: first, general first, or the first, King song. Mansfield is wonderful teacher of Italy, is auspicious, referred to as manjusri. For China (the four great Buddhist Bodhisattvas Manjusri, Samantabhadra, Avalokiteshvara, one of the Bodhisattva). Manjusri and Samantabhadra Buddha Shakya Muni for the left and right retinues, they are called "Sam kegon". Manjusri Wisdom, eloquence first, for the Bodhisattva, known as the "wisdom of Manjusri bodhisattva". In the Mahayana Bodhisattva, is the incarnation of the Supreme wisdom.
Shanxi Mount Wutai is Manjusri temple. "By Kegon, Buddha said:" the goods "residence at East Qingliang mountain, from the past, the Bodhisattva all, to stop. The Bodhisattva Manjusri Bodhisattva, with their families, the ten thousand people are often in them, and speak the Dharma. " "Manjusri treasure" also said: "also to the Buddha, Bodhisattva King dense tracks said: I left after this to look forward a continent in the north-east, with the large state, the state said five mountain top, Manjusri boy, in the procession, sentient beings, in the statement." And said by the cool mountain and the top five, that is, China's Shanxi Mount Wutai. This mountain is located in the northeast of the five counties, from the county seat one hundred and twenty, surrounded by the five peaks, the top of the forest, such as the base soil, because of the name of Mount Wutai. In the border, the severe cold, no heat of heat, also known as cool mountain. The ancient forest, this Buddha, all in Taiwan, from eighty in the south, ten in the top three, Tuesday, lotus chrysanthemum, such as Chan Kam, also called Fairview peak, is a residence of manjusri. Manjushri birthday anniversary: the 4th day of the fourth month of the Chinese lunar calendar.
Manjusri images are usually armed with the sword of wisdom, riding a lion, compared with wisdom sword cut off trouble, to roar and deter Moyuan.
Manjushri changing the image according to the image, can be divided into word, five words, six words, eight Manjusri, is one of the most common types of Manjusri five. Five bun head tied five Manjusri is named after a bun, the five bun is representative of five kinds of wisdom. General "sword of wisdom" in his right hand, left hand holding a lotus placed on "Prajnaparamita". The wisdom of the sword can cut off all sorts of said ignorance, wisdom sharp as a sword; a blue lotus represents pure dye, takes place there Prajnaparamita as a symbol of wisdom and compassion. The Buddha also often take the lion mounts, said the wisdom of the powerful; or to the lotus pedestal, on behalf of pure driving; or the Golden Peacock flying free, metaphor.Manjushri, transliteration of the Sanskrit Manjusri, abbreviation of manjusri. The new translation "Manjushri." Chinese translation for miaode, meaning all of the original Wande Yuanming, fletcher. The Miao Ji, because when he was born, the ten auspicious RUIZHAO house. (a) manna from heaven (two), in seven Jane, (three) bin gold millet (four), family health lotus, (five) a room full of light, chicken born chicken (six), Ma Chanxianglin (seven), (eight) white cattle calves, pigs born dragon (nine) Dolphin, (ten) six teeth like this. Sixth Century BC, (the same age with Sakyamuni was born in sravasti). At the village, a Brahmin surname, father Fande, born from mother Youxie, body purple color, fall on the ground can be made, such as Tong emperor, a cover with the Qibao, complex, Manjusri has thirty-two phase, eighty, with the same buddha.
In "by Kegon into law goods", Maitreya Buddha said: "good fortune of Manjusri vows, no more than the amount that may not by his Bodhisattva can have. The majority of its wish, boundless, all born Bodhisattva merit, there is no rest. Often the mother of innumerable Buddhas, often boundless Bodhisattva division, civilized achievements of all beings, the name of the ten party world Pu wen. In Mahayana, the Bodhisattva Manjusri is the first, and paternity Buddha Samantabhadra, all the disciples of the Buddha, the Manjusri as the incarnation of wisdom, as for the Buddha and the mother of wisdom, Manjusri is seven Buddha. Common as top five Manjusri, bun, said no to the five Supreme wisdom. Five wisdom: Law of wisdom, great mirror wisdom, wisdom of equality, miaoguanchazhi, sing chi. Left hand holding lotus. The flower placed a "wisdom", said Prajna spotless, as the fire together, all can not touch, touch is burning. Right hand hold sword, said the great wisdom, nothing can break out trouble, Yu diamond sword, to cut demons. Or sit lotus Taiwan, said clean, or take a lion or a peacock, said the mighty.
Shakya Muni Buddha said in forty-nine years, since the beginning of the Huayan, finally nirvana, who will have a large multiplication, Manjusri in. In the auxiliary Shakya Muni Buddha, propaganda of Mahayana Buddhism, and made great contributions to manjusri. "Treasure trunk" records, the Buddha was in sravasti, one year, for seven days of rain, many farms and homes are flooded, only park has eight hundred monks, thousand Buddha, facing the horrors of hunger. Request to Ananda Manjusri Manjusri relief, the Dover disciples will be fed, at ease on the road. In the description of Manjusri material to give great help to the Sakya sangha. In the Sakya Sangha composition, Brahman has an absolute advantage, most of them are tired from eager, accustomed to asceticism, such as Kasyapa etc.. On line multiplication, and not in the world is dyed, and not the outside live together in peace together see the move, although break trouble and give up the Bodhisattva, although not for nor live in wuwei. Assist the Manjusri Buddha has done a lot of work, make a lot of Savaka all back to small to large, accept the Mahayana teachings. Such as Lingshan will be the five hundred monks, to not have to endure the fate of wisdom, the father and the mother to see the past and a felony, from the heart, the suspect, in deep, cannot get into, so we forced the Buddha Manjusri Manjusri, the Buddha said: "stay! I must be killed. I killed, who harm my son So the five hundred monks, oneself heart, the dream, all it could say but Chan said: Manjusri Wisdom, deep source of bottom, hand hold sword, forced to Buddha body. Such as the sword Buddha Seoul, a phase without phase, by no birth, what is cloud killed? " In the way to kill the Buddha Manjusri, five hundred monks to make education, understanding the Mahayana Zongyi, it could permit, called Buddha assistant. Once again to preach the emptiness of Mahayana Manjusri beings said: "do not see the Buddha, not for the law." There are two hundred monks, thought disorder, Schaefer. Halfway into the fire, Manjusri, monk to God (jump) foot flying empty, see on the rail network, students of terror. As the only way back to the park, across the green lotus. He is to see the Buddha, white. The Buddha said: "not to fire, the monks out of the fire, there is no place. You see all the monks and fall in net margin of rail network, also is....... There is no love, no love, no love. From delusion, without me, without me Two hundred monks, hear the teachings of the Buddha, as more than Louyong, arhat. The Manjusri is not only a deep understanding of the Mahayana emptiness wise use of supernatural magic, is also very skilled. The two hundred monks in the case of cornered, had to turn back, heart anger to calm down, to accept the teachings of the Buddha, so he have arhat fruit. There is a Buddha pravarana, Manjusri three summer, in violation of the Sangha, the identity of the elders to Kasyapa, want to pick up a hammer to drive out the manjusri. When just picked up the hammer Kasyapa, see many billions of Manjusri suddenly appeared, Kasyapa then use all the strength, can't afford to take a hammer. At this time of the Buddha Kasyapa said: "so many Kasyapa, Manjusri, discard the one you want." Gayeton felt ashamed, not the opponent of manjusri. And in the Buddha disciples, shariputra, is a leader, a Buddha Manjusri and he swam a Buddha in soil, soil, everywhere is the fire filled the air, people, in the ashes, you see the terrified. Manjusri to divine so many lotus throughout them, set foot on the line, such as on the straight. You feel at this point in the short half in front of manjusri.These examples vividly explained the Manjusri and Buddha in education is high on the germination of heart with very tacit, handy. So the "Lotus Sutra for easy goods", please hold the end of Kai Manjusri, fortt is said to protect the peace line, later, read and recite is "Lotus Sutra". In accordance with the Buddha Manjusri to entrust, Buddha Miedu, and Ananda, Maitreya in the iron ring mountain collection of the Mahayana sutras, the Mahayana Buddhism's live and carry forward. Friends don't cha discusses the history of India Buddhism, Mahayana thought empty two cases began, no dragon tree, but at the end of the branch, see, India is actually a free source of Mahayana Buddhism has two cases, when the Buddha was in the world, Maitreya is empty Manjusri, an outstanding representative of two cases of Buddhism, Buddhism in his thought system. Always enjoy a high status.
In the "Nirvana" Manjusri said: four hundred and fifty years after the death of the Buddha Manjusri, into the snow, five hundred fairy preach law. Finally, the lucky people are all have degrees, and with five hundred immortals to their hometown sravasti settlement made DORO citron tree, knot Jia fuzuo, first in the Surangama samadhi, from his pores, a big fire, bright golden body, into a glass like. There are really like glass film, is six feet long, sitting on Lotus Taiwan, the clear, five hundred immortal, all nirvana. When there are eight kings, will be like the glass, the top of the King Kong, tower support.Buddha, where fruit after Shi, with all wisdom, especially the Manjusri Bodhisattva, is a great representative of wisdom. Because the fruit is Manjusri, III Tathagata, in "Shurangama samadhi Sutra" said: Manjusri Buddha statue on the past, a dragon king. In the "central rise" in Morocco compass said: Manjusri, now North Buddha, Buddha mani Baoji hidden joy no.. In "Baoji said:" when the Manjusri Buddha, Buddha common name. In "by Kegon said, Manjusri, the Buddha is the ten mother, all the Bodhisattvas division. This is the auxiliary Buddha enlightened, in sixth Century BC, showing sravasti was born in India, who in the settlement, father Fande, right from the parent association, body purple color, born can be made, with thirty-two, eighty, with the same buddha. Because of its birth, the family appeared in ten kinds of auspicious phase, because the name of good luck. Buddha and Bodhisattva Manjusri, the Buddha see again, the result of miaode. "Saint Williams no statue of anger Wang said:" the secret "is also wonderful auspicious Bodhisattva, feel is III mother, named wenshushili."
Manjusri, body purple color, shaped like a boy, five of the top bun crown, who left China Qinglian, right hand hold sword, often ride out the lions, both young and strong, is the innumerable Buddhas mother, all the Bodhisattvas division. A concept of the "words" Mahayana "Manjusri statue of king, ten party Buddha thought mother; all Buddha primary heart, because the Manjusri of enlightenment." In the "bowl" put in the Buddha once said: "I now have wenshushili Buddha, is also. In the past the central number of Buddha, are wenshushili disciples, when it is, the power caused by wei. As worldly children have parents, their parents' Buddhist Manjusri. "At the fetal body Manjusri Bodhisattva" cloud: "this product changes for this is the Buddhist master, disciple, and extremely broad, clean with no change, I want to present two statues of Buddha, and not"
The juval Manjusri, the Buddha is far more than the division, the Division also Buddha zu. In the "Lotus Sutra" - xupin said: eons ago, twenty thousand of the sun lights Buddha appeared in the world: the last bit of the sun lights the Buddha, not monk, eight prince, weed free, leading the world in four, after the father has become a Buddhist monk smell, all shed the throne, becoming a monk. It is made of Mahayana, master. When the sun lights a wonderful light under the Bodhisattva, who hold "Lotus Sutra" over eighty small disaster, people often speech. The sun lights for the Buddha, he said "Lotus Sutra", Buddha enter out after the eight Prince Buddha, Bodhisattva with miaoguang teacher. Miaoguang Bodhisattva enlightenment eight prince, his strong bodhicitta, finally in order to become a Buddha, the Buddha dipamkara. While Dipamkara is nigume this division. When is this miaoguang Bodhisattva Manjusri bodhisattva. Is to Manjusri, not only is the Buddha of the division, is also the founder of the Buddha, this in his identity, is said to his disciples, Buddhism can be seen equal, not rigid, but for Lisheng, informal secular knowledge. The Manjusri Wisdom beyond history, is also known. What is representative of Buddhist wisdom, is the embodiment of Supreme wisdom.






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