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  • 中文名陈坚
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 出生地山东青岛
  • 出生日期1959年
  • 职业中国美术家协会水彩画艺术委员会主任
  • 代表作品《走进西域》《女人体》等








 2005年《走进西域》第七届全国水彩、粉画展览 银奖;

2004年《女人体》中国首届小幅水彩画展 优秀奖;


2001年《马背上的塔吉克人》中国首届水彩人物画展 优秀奖;

《塔吉克人》中国第二届‘金彩奖’美术作品展 优秀奖;

English Introduction

 Chen Jian, male, born in 1959 in Qingdao, Shandong Province, is a special professor of the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts. He is currently the director of the Watercolor Art Committee of the Chinese Artists Association, the member of the Exhibition Evaluation Committee of the Chinese Art Museum, and the judges of the Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh National Watercolor and Pastel Exhibitions. The judges of the 11th and 12th National Fine Arts Exhibition, the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th National Youth Fine Arts Exhibition, the 1st, 2nd, 2nd, 2nd National Pink Painting Exhibition, the 1st National Pink Painting Exhibition, the 12th and 13th Army Fine Arts Exhibition, the 10th China Art Festival and Shenzhen International Watercolor Biennale The first judges of the Biennial Painting Exhibition and the second Shenzhen International Watercolor were elected as the chairman of the award-winning judges and the judges of the Ninth China Sports and Fine Arts Exhibition.


His works have been exhibited in Sydney Chinese Culture Center, Paris Chinese Culture Center, Asian Art Museum (Nice) and in more than 20 countries such as Qatar, Singapore, the United States, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Mexico, Japan, South Korea, Canada, etc. and have been well received by art circles all over the world. In China, solo exhibitions are held in Hubei Art Museum, Shandong Art Museum, China Academy of Fine Arts Museum and China Art Museum, and important national exhibitions are attended many times. The works are collected by China Art Museum, Central Academy of Fine Arts Museum, China Academy of Fine Arts Museum, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts Museum, Hubei Art Museum and Shandong Art Museum.


Chen Jian's creative themes have always been dominated by characters and landscapes. Figure paintings mainly depict the Tajik people in Xinjiang, while landscape paintings focus on the sea. As for Chen Jian's figure paintings, Tie Ning, the chairman of the Chinese Writers Association and a famous writer, has made a special comment on them. With the theme of "ambition, piety and dust washing", she talked about her experience in reading Chen Jian's paintings: "The name of Chen Jian is now stubbornly linked with the Tajik nation." Chen Jian's "artistic ambition" lies in "looking for the most suitable object of expression for the soul and the materials in his hands in a distant and unfamiliar place". So he left his hometown and flew away to the Pamir Plateau. The Tajik people "have the same sharp outline as the knife, and their red, green, black and white clothes are easy to"draw", as well as their geographical location. Mysterious and remote. This generation lives in the Pamir Plateau of Xinjiang, and has always maintained the original clan of the national culture. The value concept is deeply rooted in the ancient tradition. They are simple, enthusiastic and self-esteem. They regard honesty and love as important as life. They are calm, calm and complacent in the face of the harsh natural climate. It is Chen Jian who is fascinated by such ambitious artists. Chen Jian has been traveling to Tashkurkan, east of Pamir, for nearly 20 years. He has been trekking on the plateau for a long time, expressing the Tajik people in his eyes with watercolours.


For Chen Jian's landscape paintings, the most important theme is the sea. Born in Qingdao, he grew up on the seashore and had extraordinary feelings towards the sea. Every time he met with confusion, he would face the sea and express the changes of life and emotion. Chen Jian tells himself that the sea is the home of his other soul. He has a deep attachment to it. It turns into watercolor paintings when it is difficult to express in words. The sea has become the object of his silent talk. Its generosity and magnanimity can best explain the emotions in his heart. Its rich joys, anger and sorrows are no longer strange, but closely linked with his mood. "I painted the deep sea of the soul, such a sea is more meaningful and intrinsic, facing such a sea is like facing their own bare heart, no longer chasing the colorful, remove all interference, so it will not be limited to a technique, a facial expression or a simple realism." "Write freely and naturally." Gradually found a way to return to their own, with their own artistic style. Wu Changjiang, secretary and executive vice-chairman of the Party Group of the Chinese Artists Association, commented on Chen Jian: Chen Jian is a very hard-working and diligent painter. The spiritual realm and aesthetic interest expressed in his works are the manifestation of his true character and soul. He loves life and nature. He is a painter with rich life experience and true feelings. On the basis of a large number of on-site sketches, a series of watercolor paintings which originate from life and are full of rich spiritual connotations reflect his deep thinking of nature and life and his persistent pursuit of lofty spirit, and also form his own artistic style and appearance. The artistic characteristics of Chen Jian's watercolor painting also lie in his use of watercolor language; his watercolor language is closely attached to the expression of spirit and emotion. According to the performance needs of different works, the language elements of his painting mainly include color, brush, water and other watercolor techniques, which have corresponding rich changes, conveying the visual feelings of different emotions to the audience.






人民日报刊文:性教育不是洪水猛兽 应坦然面对