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  • 中文名宋伯鲁
  • 别名九嵕山樵、瓶园老人、心太平轩老人
  • 性别
  • 民族
  • 祖籍陕西醴(li)泉人
  • 出生日期1854
  • 逝世日期1932
  • 职业回家,书法家
  • 代表作品《画人轶闻》、《清画家诗史》
  • 所属年代晚清
  • 芝栋,亦作子钝、芝洞、子栋
  • 芝田,晚年又号钝叟

二十八年六月初一(1902年7月5日),因生计困难,携眷回陕,受门生故旧欢迎。陕西按察使樊增祥有亲戚傅某为官时受宋弹劾,乘机报复,遂串通陕西巡抚升允于六月十八日(7月22日) 电奏清廷,指控宋"受业康门,甘为鹰犬,其罪在康有为之下、杨深秀之上",宋遂被囚禁,三年后获释出狱。伊犁将军长庚因慕其名,请赴新疆参与治理机宜。宋随长庚行至迪化(今乌鲁木齐),被藩司王树楠恳留,主持新疆通志局,纂修新疆省志。三十四年(1908年)写成《新疆建置志》《新疆山脉志》各四卷。宣统元年(1909年)长庚调任陕甘总督,宋又随长庚东返。嗣后,见长庚因循守旧,难以施展抱负,辛亥年夏返回故乡。


1912年3月, 袁世凯把持的北京政府将陕西驻军缩编为两个师,张云山任第一师师长,宋任第一师参谋官。同月,张玉昆、黄桂森、俞嗣如等人筹组的政治研究会成立,宋被举为会长。12月,应梁启超电邀赴京,经国务总理熊希龄推荐,被袁世凯聘为总统府高等顾问。后察觉袁世凯阴谋称帝,遂再返陕西。1918年当选为国会众议院议员。



English is introduced

Song Bo Lu (1854 ~ 1932) word Zhidong, also for sub-blunt, Chi-dong, Zi Dong; No. Shibata, old age and blunt old man, pen name alias Jiuqiao mountain firewood, garden elderly, heart Tai Ping Xuan old man, Shaanxi Liquan people. Guangxu twelve years 1886 Jinshi, into the word forest. And Yang Shenxiu sparse bombs should be blocking the New Deal Xu Ying. After the 1898 reform, Trent back to the origin, is committed to poetry, painting, landscape specializing in Wang Shimin, quite a moment, with a pen in the focus is not focused on, from the air to take God, Cang Run more Rao delicate. Flower with Chen Chun, Xu Wei charm. The book is a joint Liu Gongquan, Zhao Mengtiao. Eyesight to good, over seventy, still can write petit capitals. Death year seventy-nine. The Begonia cents Museum set. "Painting anecdotes", "Qing Dynasty Poem History"

Shaanxi local cause a lot of effort. The autumn of 1923, Kang Youwei to Shaanxi, due to Wolong Temple for the possession of the Song version moraine sand possession of things, so the city was wind and rain. Song to the old acquaintance to persuade Kang to leave the Canon, Kang was greatly angry, broke up. In the spring of 1927, Feng Yuxiang Department of the Eight Immortals in Xi'an was stationed in Xi'an. Some people arbitrarily turned around and even steal the collection and relics of the monastery, and the Taoist Court requested Song to try to stop it. Song then sent a letter to Feng Yuxiang, Feng immediately ordered the Eight Immortals Temple withdrawal. In the same year Shaanxi Guanzhong drought, hungry everywhere, Song from Zhuzi Bridge (Qing Lan) and other military personnel to raise tens of thousands of dollars, life students scattered relief, personally involved in relief every night. Former Shaanxi Provincial General Bureau (Museum) chief editor, curator, presided over the continuation of Shaanxi Annals, in person to develop the outline, selected revision personnel, strict examination of the volume of manuscripts, which lasted more than ten years, Song 1932 August 7 After the day before the dead.
Song of poetry, calligraphy, painting has a very deep attainments, writings of more than 20 species, has published the "Xinjiang Jianzhi" "Xinjiang Mountain", "West House Suo Ji" "Begonia cents Museum Poetry" "" Hai talk about when "" Tang Sang Ai recorded "and so on. Related works

People experience

Qing Guangxu eleven years (1885), the Song to gifted in the move, the next year in the examination, the election Shu Ji Shi, scattered library grant editing. Seventeen years (1891) Ren Shuntian examination with the examiner. Twenty years (1896) as the Shandong provincial examiner, censor, Shandong censor. Song into the career, more concerned about the national economy and people's livelihood. He took the time to the Shandong Yellow River flooding conducted a detailed investigation, after the Qing court on the "Chen Zhihe Shu", the statement of the Yellow River burst to the people to bring home to destroy the people Expose the local officials in the process of governance of the Yellow River malpractice, put forward to solve the malpractice measures. He also has a number of memorials, asking the Qing court care about the people suffering, clarify the official, even the official Li Lianying to protect his nephew Li Chang was the murder of crimes, he dare to "impeach eunuchs seeking suicide", advocate justice. Shaanxi reformist Liu Guyu to revitalize the national industry, intended to set shares of 20 million taels of silver, founder of Shaanxi rich rich weave layout. Song support this initiative, intends to work with fellow friends Li Yue Rui from the Yufeng Bank to lend 200,000 taels of silver as the founder of funding. This is because the Board of Punishments assistant minister Zhao Shuqiao refused to insure and ran aground.
Twenty-three years (1897) in December 13th, Kang Youwei in Beijing to create the Guangdong Institute. Twenty-four years (1898) the first month, Song and Li Yue Rui also initiated the establishment of Kansai society. March 20, Kang Youwei and others to Kansai Institute as the basis, the establishment of "Paul National Council", Song actively involved in the matter, and listed in the "National Security Council" in the. Within six months, Kang Youwei drafted the memorial to the emperor in the name of Song Bo-lu. Ten pieces of memorials were given to the Kang and Liang reformers and resolute struggle against the stubborn forces of hostility and opposition. When the Guangxu Emperor ordered the "economic special, in addition to the economic regular, trial time, policy and political, legal, financial, diplomatic, physical specialized learning", "to open the wisdom and save eight shares" , He even on the two-fold, denounced the danger of eight shares. Memorial ceremony Department, the Ministry of rites, the Prime Minister of the state affairs minister Xu Ying 骙 strongly opposed. Song and Yang Shenxiu joint on the sparse Xu Xu emperor reprimanded Xu Ying 骙, that is, the reform movement in the influential "please give the old Li Chen Li give reprimanded." After some contest, Xu Ying was dismissed as an important step in the implementation of the New Deal to abolish the eight shares take official edict, broke through the heavy resistance was finally announced. Since then, the Song and even the "Please select the mastery of Chinese and foreign politics of the province only one person as the New Deal sparse" "Please strobe only to consultants sparse" "provincial railway miners as business off" and a series of memorials, as Kang Liangwei movement One of the important backbone. Emperor Guangxu prison, the Song was ordered to dismiss the Qing Dynasty asked. He was Li Yuerui secret report, first to avoid the Italian Embassy, ​​Xuanju Xianju Shanghai for more than three years, during which once went to Japan. In the face of the non-state of affairs, he wrote a book titled "Talking about Hundred Years" in Guangxu twenty-five years (1899), giving a high appraisal of the meaning of reform. He pointed out in the article, "Law can not be ruled on the law," the European countries, old and new plans, move forward, it can be strong and strong. Japan's reform, also male as East Asia. But China will not change the strings, which is the root cause of the poor so far. In another article, he cried out: "I would like to Patriot, mature thinking long."
In early June twenty-eight years (July 5, 1902), due to difficulties in living, bring their families back to Shaanxi, welcomed by the students. Shaanxi An Chancellor Fan Zengxiang relatives Fu Mou official impeachment by the Song, took the opportunity to retaliate, then lined up Shaanxi governor Sheng Yun on June 18 (July 22) electric play the Qing court, accusing Song "by industry Kang, Gan Falcons, the crime under the Kang Youwei, Yang Shenxiu above ", Song was imprisoned, released from prison after three years. General Yili Chang Geng because of his name, please go to Xinjiang to participate in the treatment of machine. Song Changgeng line to Dihua (now Urumqi), was Fan Division Wang Shu Nan earnestly, presided over the Xinjiang Tongzhi Bureau, compiling the Xinjiang provincial records. In thirty-four years (1908) written "Xinjiang builds" "Xinjiang mountain" four volumes. Xuantong the first year (1909) transferred to Shaanxi and Gansu Chang Gung governor, Song and Chang Gung East back. Later, see Chang Gung followed conservative, it is difficult to cast their aspirations, Xinhai summer return home.

In October 1911, after the success of the Xi'an uprising against the Qing, Qin Long Fu Han military and military commander Zhang Yunshan sent to Liquan invited to participate in the military affairs of Song, commissioned its military and civilian military governor staff officer. When the Shaanxi Revolutionary Army by the Qing army from Henan, Gansu attack on both sides, the contradictions between the military government after another, Song for the mediation of contradictions, did a lot of work.

In 1912 March, Yuan Shikai control of the Beijing government will be reduced to two divisions of Shaanxi garrison, Zhang Yunshan any first division commander, the first officer of the Song. In the same month, Zhang Yukun, Huang Guisen, Yu Si, who organized the formation of political research, Song was cited as president. In December, should Liang Qichao invited to Beijing, by the Prime Minister Xiong Xiling recommended by Yuan Shikai hired as the President of the Office of the higher consultants. Yuan Shikai conspiracy to emperor, and then back to Shaanxi. In 1918 he was elected to the House of Representatives.






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