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艾托里 • 蒂托Ettore Tito

艾托里 • 蒂托Ettore Tito(1859年12月17日——1941年6月26日)意大利画家。

  • 中文名艾托里 • 蒂托
  • 外文名Ettore Tito
  • 性别
  • 国籍意大利
  • 出生日期1859年12月17日
  • 逝世日期1941年6月26日
  • 职业画家


埃托雷•提托出生在Castellammare di Stabia1859年12月17日(那不勒斯附近)Ubaldo铁托,a商船船长和Luigia由铁托他的母亲是威尼斯人,当他还是一个小男孩他居住的家庭回到威尼斯的余生。他开始了他的艺术研究在早期,第一次与荷兰的艺术家塞西尔·Haanen成为终身的朋友,[1]然后在学院di美女Arti他一直接受12岁之前他甚至达到了法定入学年龄。在学院主要学习下旁派马里诺Molmenti和17岁毕业。


他第一次重大成功是在1887年,当时他的画Pescheria维基亚威尼斯(老鱼市场的描述里亚尔托桥)赢得了伟大的赞美Esposizione重回Artistica在威尼斯,随后被购买的重回国家队的Galleria d 'Arte现代化罗马.



铁托广泛展出,他的工作是受欢迎的除了他的祖国意大利。他的画也能看到威尼斯双年展从1895年成立到1914年和1920年,当双年展后恢复第一次世界大战他赢得了Premio异食癖di威尼斯威尼斯奖(市)在1897年的双年展和一大杯Medaglia d ' oro(大金牌)在1903年的双年展。1909年整个房间双年展致力于回顾他的作品与45绘画的青铜雕塑珀加索斯展出。[4](整个房间致力于他的工作也提出了在1922年,1930年和1936年Biennali)。

在国外,热那亚赢得了金牌在1900年巴黎博览会Universelle和随后购买了du卢森堡博物馆他的画,La gomena(电缆),赢得了在世界博览会等国际大奖布鲁塞尔在1910年,[5]1915年,他被授予在意大利绘画大奖巴拿马国际博览会在旧金山。[3]18一个展览的油画也举行洛杉矶在1926年,他的一员意大利皇家艺术学院.

在他早期的作品主要描写的人,日常生活中,和威尼斯和风景威尼托之后,1900年,他越来越多地转向神话和象征主题灵感来源于18世纪的威尼斯绘画,他的油画和壁画他画的别墅在罗马和威尼斯的宫殿Martinengo Berlinghieri。19世纪后期,他还需求图纸和草图说明几个英国和美国的杂志,包括图形,斯克里布纳尔出版社的杂志,穿孔.

在离开他一贯的风格,他稍微有伤风化艺术装饰风格插图的四个谚语描述为解放女性的法国杂志在1920年代。其中之一,Aide-toi le天蓝色t 'aidera(“天助自助者”)举行的维多利亚和艾伯特博物馆.



铁托是一群画家之一,与英国和美国关系密切的外籍社区在威尼斯的中心宫殿巴巴罗是一个朋友约翰。辛格。萨金特伊莎贝拉。斯图尔特。加德纳.多年来,家庭的属性,别墅铁托里维埃拉德尔法兰德在威尼斯和Palazzotto铁托,也等艺术家的聚集的地方安德斯左恩,路德维希Passini,路易吉禁忌,马里亚诺·Fortuny音乐家和作家。他画的肖像圆和他们的家庭成员包括:作曲家Ermanno Wolf-Ferrari;艺术历史学家Corrado里奇诗人娜迪亚Malacrida;记者路易吉阿尔贝蒂尼;艺术家Nerina Pisani沃尔皮(她的丈夫,朱塞佩沃尔皮,他们的孩子也画的铁托);艺术家丽塔D 'Aronco,铁托的女儿亲密的朋友,Raimondo D 'Aronco;[10]伊迪丝和柯西莫的孩子Rucellai蒂娜Velluti,威尼斯的妹妹雕塑家Gigetto Velluti。[11]Velluti肖像,La Sarabanda(Sarabande)是创作于1934年,是一个最好的例子,他已故的肖像画风格。

1894年铁托成功旁派Molmenti绘画教授学院在威尼斯,一篇文章他直到1927年。在他的学生Eugenio Da威尼斯,凯撒Mainella Lucillo Grassi Giuseppe Ciardi Giovanni Korompay,Guido Marussig Domenico Failutti,魔幻现实主义者画家Cagnaccio di San Pietro.



在威尼斯,铁托逝世1941年6月26日,享年81岁。他的儿子,路易吉蒂托(1907 - 1991)也是一位著名的画家。路易基的儿子皮特朱塞佩(Eppe)铁托(生于1959年),是一位著名的雕刻家。2003年9月,Etttore的作品回顾展,路易吉,皮特朱塞佩提托举行Pisani别墅箍.

English Introduction


Ettore Tito was born in Castellammare di Stabia (near Naples) on 17 December 1859 to Ubaldo Tito, a merchant marine captain and Luigia Novello Tito. His mother was Venetian, and when he was a small boy the family returned to Venice where he was to live for the rest of his life. He began his art studies at an early age, first with the Dutch artist Cecil Van Haanen, who was to become a lifelong friend,[1] and then at the Accademia di Belle Arti where he had been accepted at the age of 12 before he had even reached the legal age for admission.[2] At the Accademia he studied primarily under Pompeo Marino Molmenti and graduated at the age of 17.


His first major success came in 1887 when his painting Pescheria vecchia a Venezia (a depiction of the old fish market on the Rialto) won great praise at the Esposizione Nazionale Artistica in Venice and was subsequently bought by the Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna in Rome.

Tito exhibited widely, and his work was popular beyond his native Italy. His paintings were to be seen in each Venice Biennale from its inception in 1895 until 1914 and again in 1920 when the Biennale resumed after World War I. He won thePremio Città di Venezia (City of Venice Prize) at the 1897 Biennale and a Grande Medaglia d'Oro (Grand Gold Medal) at the 1903 Biennale. In 1909 an entire room at the Biennale was devoted to a retrospective of his work with 45 paintings and a bronze sculpture of Pegasus on exhibit.[4] (Entire rooms devoted to his work were also presented at the 1922, 1930 and 1936 Biennali.)

Abroad, Chioggia won a Gold medal at the 1900 Exposition Universelle in Paris and was subsequently purchased by the Musée du Luxembourg. His painting, La gomena (The Cable), won the Grand Prize at the Exposition Universelle et Internationale inBrussels in 1910,[5] and in 1915 he was awarded the Grand Prize in Italian painting at the Panama–Pacific International Exposition in San Francisco. An exhibit of 18 of his canvases was also held in Los Angeles in 1926, the year in which he was made a member of the Royal Academy of Italy.

While his earlier paintings were largely depictions of the people, everyday life, and landscapes of Venice and the Veneto, after 1900 he increasingly turned to mythological and symbolic subjects inspired by 18th-century Venetian painting, both for his oil paintings and for the murals he painted at the Villa Berlinghieri in Rome and the Palazzo Martinengo in Venice. By the late 19th century, he was also in demand for his drawings and sketches which illustrated several British and American magazines, including The Graphic, Scribner's Magazine, and Punch.

In a departure from his usual style, he produced slightly risqué Art Deco illustrations of four proverbs featuring depictions of emancipated women for a French magazine in the 1920s. One of them, Aide-toi, le ciel t'aidera ("Heaven helps those who help themselves") is held at the Victoria and Albert Museum.

Tito was one of a group of painters with close ties to the English and American expatriate community in Venice which had its hub at the Palazzo Barbaro and was a friend of both John Singer Sargent and Isabella Stewart Gardner.[8] Over the years, the family's properties, Villa Tito in Riviera del Brenta and the Palazzotto Tito in Venice, were also gathering places for artists such as Anders Zorn, Ludwig Passini, Luigi Nono, and Mariano Fortuny as well as musicians and writers. He painted the portraits of many members of his circle and their families including: composer Ermanno Wolf-Ferrari;[9] art historian Corrado Ricci; poet Nadja Malacrida; journalist Luigi Albertini; artist Nerina Pisani Volpi (whose husband, Giuseppe Volpi, and their children were also painted by Tito); artist Rita D'Aronco, the daughter of the Tito's close friend, Raimondo D'Aronco;[10] the children of Edith and Cosimo Rucellai; and Dina Velluti, the sister of Venetian sculptor Gigetto Velluti. The Velluti portrait, La Sarabanda (The Sarabande) was painted in 1934 and is one of the best examples of his late portraiture style.

In 1894 Tito succeeded Pompeo Molmenti as the Professor of Painting at the Accademia in Venice, a post he held until 1927. Amongst his pupils were Eugenio Da Venezia, Cesare Mainella, Lucillo Grassi, Giuseppe Ciardi, Giovanni Korompay, Guido Marussig, Domenico Failutti, and the magic realist painter Cagnaccio di San Pietro.

One of the most important commissions in his later years came in 1929, when at the age of 70 he was asked to create a 400 square metre painting for the vault of the Chiesa di Santa Maria di Nazareth in Venice to replace the one by Tiepolodestroyed in World War I. His last major work, I maestri veneziani (The Venetian Masters) was completed in 1937 and shown at the Venice Biennale in 1940. Considered his "spiritual testament", the painting depicts Venice personified as a young woman surrounded by the city's greatest artists (Tiepolo, Veronese, Titian and Tintoretto) who pay homage to her whileGoldoni and a harlequin look on.


Tito died in Venice on 26 June 1941 at the age of 81. His son, Luigi Tito (1907–1991) was also a noted painter. Luigi's son, Pietro Giuseppe (Eppe) Tito (born 1959), is a noted sculptor. In September 2003, a retrospective exhibition of the works of Etttore, Luigi, and Pietro Giuseppe Tito was held at the Villa Pisani in Stra.






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