马远(生卒年不详)南宋画家,字遥父,号钦山,河中(今山西永济)人,生长在钱塘(今浙江杭州)。出身绘画世家,南宋宋光宗、宋宁宗两朝画院待诏。擅画山水、人物、花鸟,山水取法李唐,笔力劲利阔略,皴法硬朗,树叶常用夹叶,树干浓重,多横斜之态。楼阁界画精工,且加衬染。喜作边角小景,世称“马一角”。人物勾描自然,花鸟常以山水为景,情意相交,生趣盎然。与李唐、刘松年、夏圭并称“南宋四家”。存世作品有《踏歌图》《水图》《梅石溪凫图》《西园雅集图》等。Ma Yuan, a painter of the Southern Song Dynasty with an unknown date of birth and death, is named Qinshan and a native of Hezhong (now Yongji, Shanxi Province), who grew up in Qiantang (now Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province). Born in a painting family, Guangzong and Ningzong Painting Academies of Southern Song Dynasty awaited orders. He is good at painting landscapes, figures, flowers and birds. He draws Li Tang from landscapes. His brushwork is vigorous and broad, and his rhythm is firm and clear. Leaves are often folded with thick trunks and inclined. Pavilion boundaries are elaborately painted and lined. Happy side corner scenery, known as the "horse corner". Characters depict nature. Flowers and birds often take mountains and rivers as scenery. They are interesting and interesting. With Li Tang, Liu Songnian and Xia Gui, they are called "Four Schools of Southern Song Dynasty". Existing works include "Tage Tu", "Water Tu", "Meishixi Futu", "Western Garden Atlas" and so on.