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艺术名人 浏览 庞聪 光明日报

  女青年半身像(素描) 徐明

  镜前(油画) 徐明

  螃蟹(油画) 徐明











Bust of young woman (sketch) Xu Minghua in front of the mirror (oil painting) Xu Minghua crab (oil painting) Xu Minghua [art sea extracts English] Mr. Xu Minghua's name is not widely known. However, as long as people who know his art, especially knowledgeable people in the art field, admire him very much. The reason why he is unknown is that he does not seek to be known, is devoted to creation and teaching, and is not good at socializing without speaking. He rarely held solo exhibitions and relatively few publications. The reason for his admiration lies in his sincerity in artistic creation, his true feelings for the great nature, his true love for education, as well as his distinctive style and elegant style in the painting formed by his true Kung Fu and consistent pursuit and exploration in art. Mr. Xu Minghua is one of the first generation of Chinese artists to study in the Soviet Union. He integrated art into life, incorporated the atmosphere, meteorology and objective images formed in the sun and air into the picture, hammered them into form, and expressed them in pure and rich oil painting language. Those trembling lights not only reflect the charm of the art masters of the Russian touring school, but also reveal the blurred artistic conception of French Impressionism, and more deeply show his love for his beloved hometown. In the depth of his simple and brilliant works, what he displays is the background of realism. He wrote about the ideal of life, the pursuit of nature, and his pursuit of nature. From the human body sketches and portraits during his stay in the Soviet Union, we can see Mr. Xu Minghua's solid modeling skills and expressive ability in his early years. This not only benefited from the scientific training method of the Soviet Academy, but also showed its artistic talent. Of course, it also has something to do with the artistic environment of Taodu Yixing, his hometown where he lived as a teenager. This spiritual water town in the south of the Yangtze River not only has the legacy of past generations of pot making masters, but also gave birth to art giants such as Xu Beihong, Wu Dayu and Wu Guanzhong. It is a fertile land of beauty. This beautiful complex has always kept Mr. Xu Minghua's mind in mind, and he is still a teenager when he comes late. With his paintings on his back, he lingered in the bamboo sea and the residential alleys with pink walls and Daiwa in his hometown. Five years ago, I invited him to hold a painting exhibition and made a special trip to Yixing. Finally, I found him on the stone arch bridge in a remote village. The 80 year old man's sparse gray hair fluttered in the spring wind, bent over the scenery and painted from life. The peach and plum were silent, and the water gurgled... From a distance, he integrated into the natural picture. When I talked about the exhibition, he smiled calmly: "draw more pictures later." I understand him. He's always demanding of himself. Mr. Xu Minghua, who showed his extraordinary talent in his early years, was admitted to the Art Department of Nanjing University with the first place in his major in 1950. After entering school, his sketch and color were studied by professors Huang Xianzhi and Qin Xuanfu who returned from France, and the history of art was studied by Professor Fu Baoshi. In 1952, colleges and departments of colleges and universities across the country were adjusted and Nanjing Normal University was established. He transferred to the Art Department of Nanjing Normal University to study. He graduated in 1953 and stayed in school to teach. From 1955 to 1960, he was selected to study in the Soviet Union. Under the personal instruction of famous teachers such as selov, vinagradov and visharkin, he further consolidated his basic skills, and often watched famous works in the national trechakov Art Museum and Pushkin Museum. He deeply realized that "image" is not only in Chinese painting, but also in Western painting. From Titian's works, he confirmed that the "realism" in art was refined by artists, even idealized. He compared this idealization with "freehand brushwork" in Chinese art and had a new understanding of realism. This laid the ideological and aesthetic foundation for the infectious expression style in his later oil painting creation. At the same time, he admired Rembrandt and Velasquez for their extraordinary creativity in the performance of life and personality. Mr. Xu Minghua, who was a young student abroad at that time, has conducted comparative research on many famous oil painters in history in Russia, the hometown of Lebin and sulikov, and carried out thorough analysis. This is very important for him to fully understand oil painting, obtain essential value judgment, stimulate and enrich his creation and improve the character of painting. Therefore, the female college student, in front of the mirror, the still life painting crab and the landscape painting March created by him during his study abroad all highlight the power of artistic noumenon. The artistic realm from the stage of studying abroad to the 1980s is a sign that Mr. Xu Minghua transcends the limitations of content, consciously constructs a new formal language, and achieves the integration of soul and artistic expression. If his early works of studying abroad show his genius, his works after the 1980s are more thick, which is the embodiment of his life experience and cultivation. Mr. Xu Minghua always expresses different scenery in different ways, so that he will not ignore the observation of the characteristics of things for the sake of style unity. In his opinion, this means "respecting nature and objects". However, this respect is not equivalent to truthful description, which should be expressed on the basis of being moved by the object. This combination of subjective and objective performance often makes the works sprinkle poetic brilliance and escape into aesthetic pleasure in the touch of reality. It is in this state that Mr. Xu Minghua repeatedly looks for and ponders, and often readjusts the completed paintings due to dissatisfaction, so as to achieve self transcendence in repetition. The tempering of oil painting language stems from his respect for oil painting history. He believes that to master oil painting language, we must seriously study the essence of oil painting tradition. As long as an artist adds something new to the art treasure house, it will become his creation. This may be the reason why he worked silently. Today, Mr. Xu Minghua, 90, finally felt that he could hold a solo exhibition. As a people's artist trained by the party, he should report to the people with his whole life. At the moment of the transition between 2021 and 2022, he came to the China Art Museum and donated his representative works to the country. Mr. Xu Minghua capitalized the word "truth" in his life journey of building people with art and bacon with art. (author: Wu Weishan, vice chairman of China Artists Association and curator of China Art Museum)
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