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--------Introduction in English--------


Wutong Tu Volume, Ming Dynasty, Silk, Colouring, 41 cm in length and 181 cm in breadth.

There is no money in this picture. The scroll is headed by Cai Zhiding's seal book "Five Together Map", Jun's "Cai Zhiding Seal" and "Zhihu Shanren" seals. The original title and postscript no longer exist. After this volume, there are Wu Kuan's Preface to the Five Conferences and the Five Conferences Poems, Xinnian and Yu Ru, Shixian, Yu Chou and Ji Zhi, which were copied by Yan Yin, compiled by Hanlin Academy in the eleventh year of Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty (1806). Yu Ru invited to drink with his poems. Because of the second rhyme, Yu Ru first managed Chu Prison, two poems by Yu Ru, two poems by Wang Ru, two poems of "After the Five Conferences with the original rhyme title", and Chen Renxi (Chen Pu nationality). Sun) postscript, Chen He (Chen Pu XI Sun) praised five postscripts and Yan Yin's postscript, followed by Weng Fang Gang postscript, Qin Ying postscript, Weng Fang Gang inscription poem and French Shan postscript in the twelfth year of Jiaqing (1807), Peng Ling inscription poem in the early thirteenth year of Jiaqing (1808), Han in the fifteenth year of Jiaqing (1810), Cai Zhiding postscript in the mid-winter of Jiaqing (1809) and Li Xiying inscription poem, Yao Ying inscription poem and French inscription postscript poem. Ni Bojing's poems on honor, etc.

According to the transcript of Chen Bing's grandson Chen Renxi Ba, the original five copies of this picture, "Five people each imitate the collection of various families, play when they are old, in order to gather and disperse the sense of separation", and later Chen Bing's collection was destroyed in fire. According to Yan Yin's postscript of the eleventh year of Jiaqing, Chen Pu XI Sun Chen Zhonglin got this book again and returned to his brother Chen He. At that time, there were only scrolls of paintings, which were transcribed from Wu Kuan Xu, poems and Wang Gu's poems. According to Weng Fanggang's poems and notes, in the early Qing Dynasty, Zhu Yizun had seen Wu Hongjia's collection in the Sun family of Wuhong V, and according to Han Shishengba, his father had also seen Wu Hongjia's collection in the fifteenth year of Qianlong (1750). In addition to this book, there is another one in Shanghai Museum, which should be Wu Hongjia's collection or another.

This picture depicts the elegant gathering activities of five senior Suzhou officials in Beijing at the end of Hongzhi in the mid-Ming Dynasty. According to Wu Kuan-yu's preface to the Five Communities written in Hongzhi's 16th year (1503), which was copied by Yan Yin at the end of the volume (and according to Wu Kuan's Collection of Family Collections, Volume 44, Yan Yin's record is actually wrong for "Eighteen Years of Hongzhi"). The so-called "Five Communities" means "at the same time, comrades, comrades, and comrades, also comrades, because of their names, the Five Communists, also known as the Five Ears of the Comrades". "Wu people come out of office and the rate is high in the world. Today, only five people show up in the time." From the beginning of the scroll, the characters in the painting are Wu Kuan, Li Jie, Zuo Shudu Royal History Chen Juan of Nanjing Capital Procuratorate, Wang Gu, the official waiter, and Wu Hong of Taipu Temple. Five people are all from Suzhou. They are all officials in the court. They share the same ideals. "When they are old, five people will have wine and drink in public time." Unlike general elegant collections, they "sit with teeth, talk with harmony, look at each other with justice, and discriminate with doubts. The place of prosperity is in chanting, and the feeling of things is always in discussion, which is called "the irreversible person" in ancient times. At first, five people could gather together regularly, but soon Chen Pu was promoted to the rank of left Deputy imperial governor of Nanjing Capital Procuratorate. Wang Chang left Beijing for some reason. There were only three people left for the gathering. Wu Kuan lamented that he was old and would retire again. Although some new people might come and make the gathering prosperous, he was afraid that it would not be time. According to Wu Kuanxu and his poems, the scroll record should be the last gathering of five people for remembrance.

In the picture, five people wear official clothes with a natural and peaceful manner and elegant charm. The atmosphere of the scene is harmonious, which makes people feel that they are in harmony with each other. The characters are divided into two groups: on the right, Wu Kuan and Li Jie are sitting on the bed of Luohan, with Wu Kuan as the oldest. Wu Kuan sat hand in hand, bowed back, white temples; Li Jie leaned slightly to the right, left knee in hand, right bed in hand, looking concerned, as if he were greeting. On the left, Chen Juan was the main one among the three people who talked idly. Chen Bing was white and elegant; Wang Tuan was slightly facial, graceful, cooperative, attentive and modest; Wu Hong was kind-looking, left-handed and right-handed, with a book in his hand. The picture takes the garden as the background and depicts the fine workmanship. Cranes, elk and pine trees symbolize auspicious extension of life, while books of piano and chess and bamboo and stone of banana and banana show the elegance of literati. In the back part of the background, there are quite a number of pictures depicting the Banqiao with Jiangnan flavor and the broad river surface. It seems that space has been deliberately arranged to create the scenery of Jiangnan to comfort the homesickness. In painting, the portraits of five people, frontal or micro-side, echo each other, first outline the form with light ink, with a fine pen. Fu's color changes delicately and its color is bright and moist. It is first rendered with ochre and Zhu Fang, and then powder is applied to the white one. The concave and convex changes naturally. The characters'eyes, noses and lips are depicted with very fine brushes, showing different looks and personalities. In the background, rocks, trees, children, utensils and so on can be seen more exquisite, reflecting the painter's deep and delicate realistic skills and painting style.

As for painters, according to Wu Kuan-xu's statement that "Yu-chou (Wu Hong) painted by Ding Jun-cai, a Yue native, picturing and decorating as a long scroll", the painter's surname is Ding, who came from Zhejiang Province. He may be a folk painter who was active in Beijing and had private relations with Wu Hong, but unfortunately his life has not been recorded in the history of painting.

Wutong Tu is not only a masterpiece of group portraits in the Ming Dynasty, but also an image material for understanding the elegant collection and communication of senior officials in the mid-Ming Dynasty. It provides a unique window for understanding the political situation, cultural customs and the relationship between Suzhou officials and Suzhou culture at that time.

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