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--------Introduction in English--------


"Song and Dance Pictures" axis, Ming Dynasty, Wu Wei Painting, paper, ink, 118.9 cm vertical, 64.9 cm horizontal.

No author knows. Zhu Wenfang Seal of Xiaoxian Wuwei in the lower right corner. Above the painting are six themes: Mingzhu Zhishan, Tang Yin, Jiuhua Remainers, Jinting Residents, Qiyi Residents and Shadow Jiuweng. The stamps of "Yunming" in Junzhu Zhishan and "Tang Bohu" in Tangyin as well as "Qianlong Imperial View Treasure", "Imperial Study Treasure", "Shiqu Treasure" and "Xuantong Imperial View Treasure" in the Qing Dynasty are totally 10 square meters.

This picture truly reflects the scene of literati prostitutes watching dances. The prostitutes sat around with two prostitutes for a week with different attitudes. Lucky guests or side-headed fine articles, or stare down, or raise their eyes quietly, or twist their whiskers to meditate. The female prostitutes who accompany them are mechanically accompanied or absent-minded, which contrasts sharply with the godly situation in which the guests are attentive. According to the painting, "Wumen Tang Yin inscribed Li Nunu singing and dancing picture, when Hongzhi Guihai was in late March, Li Nunu was ten years old", we can see that the dancers in the circle were Li Nunu who was 10 years old but had been prostitutes for several years. The Ming Dynasty was a period of prosperity of the Qinglou industry. On the one hand, capitalism sprouted gradually, the urban economy grew stronger and stronger, and the commodity market grew rapidly, which provided a broad space for the survival and development of the Qinglou industry. On the other hand, the corrupt Ming government implemented the policy of punishing good for prostitution, and set up a famous 16th floor brothel in Jinling (Nanjing): Nanshi, Beisheng, Heming, drunk fairy, etc. Many women, including Li Nunu, were reduced to green houses and became playthings after suffering various misfortunes in their lives. In view of the flourishing of Qinglou culture, many painters such as Wu Wei and Tang Yin, who are highly talented and frustrated in their official career, have been drinking and prostituting, trying to get rid of the depression and ethical burden of frustration and achieve psychological balance and spiritual relaxation by traveling prostitutes. They did not conceal their wandering behavior. Tang Yin carved the seal of "the first talented man in the south of the Yangtze River" and Wu Wei created this picture to show his glorious and cynical outlook on life with traveling prostitutes.

This picture was made by Wu Wei when he was 45 years old. The technique of expression is similar to "Wuling Spring Picture", which belongs to fine brushwork figure painting. The composition is concise, the main characters are prominent, and there is no complicated scenery to set off, only through the vivid modality and behavior of the characters and their mutual echoes to express the poetic flavor of life.

The description of Shiqu Baodu in Neifu of Qing Dynasty.

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