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--------Introduction in English--------


"Landscape Map" Volume, Qing Dynasty, Gong Xianzuo, paper, ink, vertical 28.8 cm, horizontal 404.1 cm.

The whole picture is in the form of a long roll. The Chongshan compound headland is spread out horizontally and fluctuates continuously. It is composed with a flat and distant view. Rocks and mountains are brushed with short brushes. Trees are painted in horizontal and vertical rows. The whole volume is carefully structured and charming. The illusion blends with the reality. It is impressive, travelable and livable. It is a attraction. The long title on the back page, which deals with learning, reading, temperament and hobbies, expresses the artist's attitude towards art and life. This is recorded as follows:

"Painting is the last of all techniques. And read Du Lao's poems, there are clouds: Liu Hou Tianji Jing, good painting into the marrow. The world is inherently good painting into the bone marrow! Yu Neng's painting seems to be bad, not bad, not good. Having seen the authentic works of Tang, Song, Yuan and early Ming dynasty, why not sit down and eat? Asked the good painter, he said: Scholars born in heaven and earth, learning Tao is the first, nourishing Qi and reading is the second, that is, visiting famous mountains and rivers, handing over the noble elders are indispensable, spare efforts are words Fu, calligraphy and painting, chess and piano. Man is born with all things, but he is the only one who is beautiful. He is different from the rubble of grass and trees. He has temperament, temperament and hobbies. He has no hobbies. He only drinks too much. He is different from a horse and a cow. If you can't chase birds, you should live in a small building. If Zong Shaowen's picture is drawn on all sides, the strings are touched and the mountains are sounded. The good paintings of the former sages are often like this, but they can't tell all about it! The rest of this volume was created from the heart, such as clouds and mists, hills, houses, boats, ladders and stools, and streamways. Otherwise, it would be unreasonable for the later players to climb and stay in peace. Although it is a fantasy, it is also the same reality from the Taoist point of view. It's not just wine that attracts people. Gong Xian painted half an acre on the fifth day of autumn.

Xiajun "Gong Xian" Zhu Wenyin and "Zhongshan Yelao" Baiwenyin. The collection is printed with "Xuzhai Secret Play" and other seven parties. Wuchen is the 27th year of Kangxi (1688), Gong Xian is 71 years old.

"Xuzhai Name Pictures List" Volume VI.

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