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--------Introduction in English--------


The Second Proverbs of Gong Xue's National History, Yuan Dynasty, Zhou Boqi's Book. Paper, hand roll, 26 cm in length and 284.5 cm in breadth. Seal book, 45 lines, 174 words.


Gongxue Proverbs. Only the people's livelihood is generous and they are confused. Teachers are from near to far. Kui Xingyu, Danyang Zhou Dian. There's an American armour, the palace of menstruation. Don't rush to bring up the righteous and the bandits. Saint Gong Shin is mediocre. How shallow are the gains made by the people of the country? Only dignity, not practice. Destroy models and be shy. Those who obey with respect have a good command. National History Proverbs. Qianxiang Zhaolie, the humanities Zhaoxing. Knotting a rope is not only a matter of time, but also a matter of time. Yao Fei Dunmu, three generations of edification. Praise the good and punish the evil of 0516. I peeled by Lin Yipei, is a form of inheritance. Analogy of words and expressions remains the same throughout the ages. Jinhu is a good fox, but a bad fox. Selfishness and disdain, selling hatred. Historically, people believe in bandits and bandits. Be strict or holy. Zhou Boqi of Tuoyang wrote the same book.

The impressions of "Zhou's Boqi", "Yuxuepo Zhenyi" and "Zhiyizhai" in this picture are from three sides. The collection is stamped with "Yueqi Private Seal", "Changbai Li Shenqin Bo's Appreciation Seal", "Ye Gongyu Tiger Seal" and so on. Li Shenzhuan's seal book "Bowen Momiao" is the first one. There are Zhang Yu and Fang Dinglu inscriptions and postscripts behind this picture.

"Palace learning" refers to the school set up for the children of the Royal family, and "national history" refers to the history of a country or a dynasty. "Proverbs" are a style of writing used to persuade others or discipline themselves. According to the biography of the History of the Yuan Dynasty, Boqi taught Confucian classics for the Xuanwenge Pavilion from the Yuan Dynasty to the first year of the year (1341), and was the son of minister Li. Every time you speak, you will be satisfied with your purpose." The two precepts mentioned above or the textbooks used in the lecture at that time.

Zhou Boqi's seal book had the reputation of "the crown of the present dynasty" at that time. Tao Zongyi said in the book Shu Shi Hui Yao that "Boqi Seal Master Xu Xu Xun and Zhang You have a special style of writing." Yang Shiqi of the Ming Dynasty believed that "the structure of his characters built the old tablet of Lisi in Mount Tai." Although Boqi learned from his predecessors, he did not stick to the ancient method. He used the stone drum prose in his composition and writing style. His pen was both square and round, which made many changes. His overall style was different from that of a stable and symmetrical mediocre work. This volume is the best seal book of Zhou Shi because of its rigorous and dignified writing and steady and plump writing style.

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