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--------Introduction in English--------


The sixteen shrimps in Qibaishi Shrimp Picture are of different shapes and vivid. The body painted in light ink is more transparent and transparent.

Qi Baishi's shrimp painting can be said to be a unique, lively, lifelike, full of charm, with light ink throwing pen, painted into the body, the color of infiltration, more transparent shrimp body. Take the vertical point of thick ink as the eye, the horizontal writing as the brain, the ink into gold, the pen vivid. Fine brushwork with whiskers, claws and cheeks shows the artist's excellent calligraphy skills. Painters write shrimp from life, but beyond life, bold generalization and simplification, more vivid.

Qi Baishi's shrimp painting is one of the best in the art world. Qi Baishi painted shrimp through lifelong observation, striving to deeply express the shape and spirit characteristics of shrimp.

Qi Baishi grew up near a pond and often fished for shrimps; he began painting shrimps when he was young; he copied shrimps painted by Ming and Qing painters such as Xu Wei and Li Futang after 40 years old; when he was 63 years old, Qi Baishi painted shrimps very similar, but not enough "live", so he raised several long-arm shrimps in a bowl and put them in a painting case. Every day, the method of drawing shrimps changed accordingly. It has become one of the representative artistic symbols of Qi Baishi.

Qi Baishi painted shrimp shows the shape of shrimp, lively, sensitive, alert and vitality. Because Qi Baishi mastered the characteristics of shrimp, he painted it well. Few brushes, with the shade of ink, showing a dynamic. A pair of thick ink eyes, a little burnt ink in the middle of the head, two light ink left and right, so that the head of shrimp varies. Hard shell transparent, from deep to shallow. And the waist of shrimp, one by one, continuous several pens, forming the rhythm of shrimp waist from thick to thin.

The change of Qi Baishi's pen makes the waist of shrimp present various abnormalities, including bowing forward and straightening waist wandering. There are also those who bend down and crawl. The tail of the shrimp is also a few strokes, both elastic and transparent. A pair of forepaws of shrimp, ranging from thin to thick, several segments to two claws, resembling pliers, open and closed. The tentacles of shrimps are drawn with several light ink lines.

Choice: In order to show the perspective of shrimp in water, Qi Baishi's lines are virtual and real, simple and appropriate, like soft and rigid, like solid and even, straight with music, small and orderly, shrimp on paper like playing in the water, tentacles like moving and non-moving.

Qi Baishi (1864-1957), formerly Chunzhi, Weiqing, Lanting, later renamed Juan, the character is on the verge of survival, named Baishi, Baishi Shanweng, Laoping, hungry man, the owner of Yin Museum, the old man in Jiping Hall, 300 stone-printing millionaire, Hunan Xiangtan people, modern Chinese painting master, world cultural celebrities. Qi Baishi worked as a woodworker in his early years, then made a living selling paintings and settled in Beijing after he was 57 years old. No matter flowers, birds, insects, fish, landscapes and characters, Qi Baishi is brave to try. His brush and ink are vigorous and moist, colorful and bright, concise and vivid, and his artistic conception is honest and simple. He was an honorary professor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts and chairman of the Chinese Artists Association. The main figure paintings are "Pictures of ladies holding piano", "Pictures of farming", "Portraits of Mr. Wuliu", "Pictures of Xishi raccoon yarn", "Pictures of fishing", "Drunken Zhong Gong" and so on.

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