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  • 中文名胡也佛
  • 外文名Hu ye fo
  • 别名丁文、若佛,字大空,号谷华
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族
  • 祖籍浙江
  • 出生地余姚坎敦
  • 出生日期1908
  • 逝世日期1980
  • 职业书画家,编辑,少校副官
  • 毕业院校上海新华艺术专科学校
  • 主要成就春宫绘画集大成者,美术界一绝
  • 代表作品《金瓶梅册页》,《胡也佛的女人们》,《云烟依旧图》

美术网 07-15 浏览




1927年,19岁的胡也佛考入南京国民政府总政治部,担任上尉宣传员。翌年任蔡公时的少校副官。因觉得自己喜欢艺术,不适合从政,于1929年辞去公职,后进入上海商务印书馆美术编辑部任高级职员,与潘思同张令涛主编《儿童画报》。此时开始启用胡若佛笔名。1933年25岁入商务印书馆从事绘画工作。抗战前(25—29岁) 商务印书馆停办《儿童画报》,与张令涛一起被辞退。从此走上了坎坷的生活道路,先后经营过照相馆、糖果食品店、儿童读物书店、连环画出版社。均开业不到一年便相继亏损倒闭。抗战初期,胡也佛还在世界舆地学社绘制地图挂图。同时,以胡也佛的笔名开始在他的“大空堂”里创作国画。1939年(31岁)其仕女画、人物画在国画界享有盛名。抗战胜利前夕(37岁)为画好仕女,苦练线条。练正圆、椭圆、弧线。


解放后(41岁以后)与张令涛合作,创作了大量连环画。1951年,胡也佛入上海灯塔出版社,专职绘连环画。1952年公私合营后,转入新美术图画书店。1956年,入上海人民美术出版社,从事国画编辑。一度改名胡丁文。1958年(50岁)及以后参与筹建“朵云轩”,并负责木版水印总设计。进入朵云轩水印木刻社任构描组长。从此接触大量古画真迹,绘画进入了新境界。在创作中,贯穿“眼高手低发展到眼高手不低”的思想。对一山、一石、一 草、一木等均要求一丝不苟,绘人物时更是要求细腻。书法练习也从不停止,主要临摹宋徽宗“瘦金体”及唐代“怀素自叙帖”。1968年(60岁)从朵云轩退休后仍坚持每日作画、练字的习惯。以临石涛的山水为主。“文革”期间(58—68岁) 被定为“地主”成份,属“黑五类”。











English Introduction

brief account of the author's life

Hu Yefo was born in Zhejiang in 1908 at Yuyao (now classified as Cixi city). When he was 10, he gave his uncle to his uncle, but it was not long before his uncle died.  Aunt is an educated woman, a vision and charm. She sold the farm, with 17 street house founded their own semantics, since the president. Hu Yefo at the age of 14, since the mother uncle sent him to Ningbo to study in a middle school. Two years later, aunt died. After graduating from high school, 18 year old Hu Yefo in Shanghai Academy of fine arts painting, then transferred to Shanghai Xinhua art school xihuaxi. In order to study painting, he sold a house uncle left by parents and teachers in France, Belarus will supplement the mural life, but was unable to sustain life, the last semester had dropped out of school, Mongolia to diploma, as graduates.


In 1927, President Hu Yefo admitted to the Nanjing national government political department at the age of 19, served as captain propagandist. The Gongshi major adjutant Ren cai. Feel love for art, for politics, on 1929 to resign, after entering the commercial press of Shanghai art department as a senior clerk, and Pan Sitong Zhang Lingtao, editor of "children's pictorial". The opening of Hu Ruofo. In 1933 25 of the revenue in the painting work. Before the Anti Japanese War (25 - 29) of the closed "children's pictorial", together with Zhang Lingtao was dismissed. Since then, he has been on a rough road of life, and has been engaged in a photographic Museum, a candy food store, a bookstore of children's books, and a comic book press. In less than a year, they lost their losses. At the beginning of the war, the world is still Yefo Hu geographers society map chart. At the same time, began to Yefo Hu writing painting in his "big empty hall". 1939 (31 years old) the paintings, figure paintings in the prestigious Chinese painting circles. Victory on the eve of the war (37 years old) to draw good ladies, hard line. Lian Zhengyuan, ellipse, arc.

After liberation (after 41 years old), he worked with Zhang Lingtao to create a large number of comic books. In 1951, Hu Yefo in Shanghai, beacon press, professional painting comics. After the joint venture between public and private companies in 1952, it was transferred to the new art picture bookstore. In 1956, he entered the Shanghai people's fine arts publishing house, which was engaged in Chinese painting editors. Once renamed Hu Dingwen. 1958 (50 years old) and later participated in the preparation of "duoyunxuan", and is responsible for the overall design of woodblock printing. Enter the duoyunxuan woodblock social responsibility structure description leader. From contact with a large number of authentic paintings, painting into a new realm. In the creation, through the "business development to master the idea of eye is not low". Are a mountain, a strict in demands of stone, grass, wood, painted figures is more exquisite. Never stop practicing calligraphy, mainly copying Huizong shoujincharacter and Tang Huai autobiography". 1968 (60 years old) from duoyunxuan after retirement still adhere to a daily habit of painting and calligraphy. In the famous landscape. During the "Cultural Revolution" (58 - 68) was designated as the "landlord" ingredients, "five".

After the "Cultural Revolution" (after the age of 68) the composition was changed to "freelancer". Died of lung cancer and arm trembling, so many works can not only keep the handwritten inscription, seal for the record. 1980 (72 years old) died of lung cancer in Shanghai.

Art creation

Hu Yefo during the war forced livelihoods, not to sell the painting for a living. In Binghuangmaluan years, painting and other craft, can barely maintain the family food and clothing, is a luxury. Hu Yefo early to the main copy, landscapes, flowers and birds, Cordyceps, figure painting, but the lack of creativity, the market deserted. Is there a distress on the occasion, Wang's art is Chinese landscape painting Yefo Hu, ordered his landscape long nave. Hu Yefo landscape is the Northern Song Dynasty Ma Yuan and Xia GUI style, Seiko is deliberately, one day a six foot nave, basically every day from ten points to finish at four in the morning to the evening. He mocked his own life as "the bird called to the ghost," the hard work of his work. His wife contracted tuberculosis, which was regarded as incurable disease, medical expenses, nutrition expenses greatly. Hu Yefo hate myself is not a doctor, he thinks that if he is a doctor, can give the family physician, also can not starve to death at any time. This life, best painting, also not worth some money. So he allowed the children to study painting, painting milksop, medicine to feed their families.

Hu Yefo landscape market is not popular, but his meticulous ladies but quickly became popular in Shanghai. His figure is the Ming Dynasty. All strokes, finally to a "unique and leading wire spring". It is said that Hu Yefo in order to draw a good lady, hard line. He is the coach lines draw various circles: circle, ellipse, arc, not only one, but Bibi is uniform and powerful. Therefore, Hu Yefo lines of Kung Fu, is still not at home. In 2000, Christie's Hongkong auction, Hu Yefo opened the eight "Golden Lotus album" shoot 270 thousand Hong Kong dollars. Hongkong famous writer Dong Qiao immediately get a picture of the "Golden Lotus" Hu Yefo meticulous erotic, exquisite stunning ", and" Hu Yefo prime conjecture also drew many bestselling pictures of spring ", and then wrote" Hu Yefo women "one article," said Hu Yefo ladies life painting the most famous is that all second enemies, Zhang Daqian thinks that he cannot draw Hu Yefo pen ladies that Mei yun". Others say "Yunyan still map" is the most typical works of Hu Yefo, "picture of ancient flavor, beautiful colors, careful composition, detailed characterization, Yunyan Cangmang, performance artist, and observe all things natural affinity of the universe






    最近更新:2024-07-24 02:40:26
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