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杨飞,现为李可染画院青年画院画家,杭州国画院创作员,艺品万家签约艺术家。2009-2013年就读于重庆大学艺术学院中国画专业;2013-2014年 于中国艺术研究院研究生课程班进修。

  • 中文名杨飞
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 祖籍湖北武汉
  • 职业画家
  • 毕业院校重庆大学艺术学院中国画专业
  • 代表作品《空山寂历道心生,虚谷迢遥闻野鸟鸣》

中国美术网 09-18 浏览

实在中国艺术史上很弱  艺报:首先祝贺中国写实画派五周年特展正在美术馆展出,取得了非常好的观众效应。  杨飞云:写实画派由于其画种的特点,比较好懂,老百姓容易接受。优秀的写实艺术是一种很强有...





 2011年 作品《檐》入选重庆青年双年展。

2012年 作品《明人笔意》入选四川美术学院黄原奖学金作品展。

2013年 毕业作品《云满山头树满溪》等多幅作品被重庆大学美术馆收藏。

2014年 参加八月画会首届山东图腾文化艺术节作品展。

2014年 参加北京远阳英明美术馆“乃好水墨画”青年画家作品展。

2015年 作品《北冥有鱼》参加首都博物馆画院中国画作品展。

2015年 作品《仄径牧歌》在中国美协主办的“美丽新思路,翰墨定西行”全国中国画 油画作品展入选。

2015年 作品《山中白云》在中国美协主办的“翰墨齐鲁”全国中国画作品展入选。

2015年 作品《乱云飞渡》在中国美协主办的“水墨彭城”全国写意画作品展入选。

2015年 作品《城欲摧》在中国美协主办的“中国梦 黄山魂”全国山水画作品展入选。

2015年 作品《掩心之声》在中国美协艺术委员会“写意中国——庆祝中华人民共和国成立66周年暨首届中国画水墨大展”获优秀奖。

2016年 作品《驰五律之道》参加李可染画院青年画院邀请展,李可染画院 北京。

2016年参加一带一盟--国际名家书画巡回展 北京。

2017年参加中国当代青年水墨年鉴邀请展,万营空间 石家庄。

2017年参加独墅湖夏日新锐艺术季展,独墅湖艺术中心 苏州。

English Introduction

 The painter Yang Fei's Chinese landscape painting entitled "Silent Mountain, Hearing Wild Birds'Sounds from a Far Away" depicts the beautiful scenery of the ancient temple with its simple and elegant colors and realistic brush and ink. The clue of the work comes from Tang Zhang's "Fuhu Mountain Temple": "The empty mountain is quiet, and the sound of wild birds is far away from the valley. Zen rooms are always admired from outside. Is Xiangtai the world's love? Clouds between the East Ridge Qianxun, Shuli South Lake a bright. If the nest knows this, it will not make the Pueraria Pueraria easy to hack. From the image of picture management, the painter has a unique view, standing on the hillside and looking at it, showing a sense of lofty and thick mountain situation, facing a vast sea of mist, the roof of the ancient temple is faintly exposed. The work intentionally expresses vigorous and profound artistic conception, giving people a magnificent and unpredictable aesthetic feeling.

Chinese painting has a long history, stressing the charm of brush and ink and the artistic conception of the picture. The vivid image and the interest of brush and ink created by the painter Yang Fei's Chinese landscape paintings make the picture artistic conception remote and highly ornamental. Another title is "Nanchuan Japonica Rice Flower Invasion County, Xiling Yunxia Mantang". Going forward together and enjoying the reward of virtue, see how old you are as a Tailang, the Chinese painting landscape works, mountains and rivers are long, pines stand upright, the mood is remote. Painters make good use of blank space, the large area of ink-free on the screen, but create a fantastic scene of art, expressing a very beautiful interest. The composition of the work is novel, carefully arranged, rhythmic, rhythmic, elegant but not vulgar, showing the artist's wisdom and ingenuity everywhere, giving people a pleasant feeling.

Yang Fei's landscape paintings have a vast artistic conception. They also have a fresh air. The small words on the edge are also very meaningful. They provide a supplement to the picture and an interpretation. This painting, titled "Blue Water Far Down from a Thousand Rivers, Jade Mountain High and Two Peaks Cold", is based on Du Fu's "Nine Days Blue Field Cui's Village": "Old to grieve for the autumn, strong to forgive oneself, happy to do your best today. Shy to return short hair to blow a hat, laugh to invite others to crown. Blue water falls from a thousand streams, and the Yushan Mountains are both high and cold. Next year, we will know who is healthy and look carefully at the dogwood when drunk. In the picture, mountains and rivers are long, mist is diffuse, rocks and trees are beautiful, and the house is simple. Outside the space division, the painter leaves blanks in the picture. The so-called "method of leaving blanks" resembles clouds and water, or non-clouds and non-water, winding and winding, which makes the picture produce an ethereal and vivid artistic conception. From the overall point of view, the structure of the work is rigorous and powerful, and from the point of view of disassembly, the pen has a root and can withstand deliberation.

The 2011 work "eaves" was selected for the Chongqing Youth Biennale.

In 2012, "Ming Ren Biyi" was selected for the Xanthan Scholarship Exhibition of Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts.

In 2013, many of his graduation works, such as "Yunmanshan Tou Shumanxi", were collected by the Art Museum of Chongqing University.

In 2014, he participated in the exhibition of works of the first Shandong Totem Culture and Art Festival of the August Painting Fair.

In 2014, he participated in the Young Artists'Works Exhibition of "Naihao Ink Painting" at Yingming Art Museum, Yuanyang, Beijing.

In 2015, his work "Fish in the North" participated in the exhibition of Chinese paintings of the Capital Museum Academy of Painting.

In 2015, the work "Pastoral Songs of Di Jing" was selected in the National Oil Painting Exhibition of "New Beautiful Thoughts, Hanmoding Westbound" sponsored by the Chinese Association of Arts.

In 2015, the work "White Cloud in the Mountain" was selected in the National Chinese Painting Exhibition of "Hand-written Qilu" sponsored by the Chinese Artistic Association.

The 2015 work "Chaotic Cloud Feidu" was selected in the National Freehand Brushwork Exhibition of "Pengcheng with Ink and Water" sponsored by the Chinese Association of Fine Arts.

The work "Destroying the City" in 2015 was selected in the National Landscape Painting Exhibition of "Chinese Dream of Huangshan Soul" sponsored by the Chinese Association of Fine Arts.

In 2015, the work "The Sound of Covering the Heart" won an excellent award in the "Freehand China - Celebrating the 66th Anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the First Chinese Painting and Ink Exhibition" of the Arts Committee of the Chinese Association of Arts.

In 2016, his work "The Way of Five Laws" participated in the invitation exhibition of the Youth Art Academy of Li Keran Painting Academy, Beijing.

In 2016, he participated in the International Famous Artists'Calligraphy and Painting Tour Exhibition in Beijing.

In 2017, he participated in the invitation exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Youth Ink Yearbook, Wanying Space Shijiazhuang.

In 2017, he participated in Dushu Lake Summer Art Season Exhibition, Dushu Lake Art Center, Suzhou.






    最近更新:2024-07-25 12:58:43
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