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( 中国美术家协会会员 )


  • 中文名陈少珊
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 出生地广东汕头
  • 出生日期1960
  • 职业美术家
  • 擅长山水,花鸟
  • 毕业院校广州美术学院


1994年《晖》入选第八届全国美展(北京),入选建国45周年广东省美展(广州)《岭南春》入选庆祝建国45周年广东省美展(广州)  1997年《闪光的记忆》入选世界华人书画展(北京),广东省青年美协作品展(广州)《春寒》入选广州美术学院作品展(北京)  1998年《南天丽日》入选广东美协中国画艺委会中国画第一回展(广州),《梨花春雨》入选1998年“金彩奖、牡丹杯新人奖画展”(郑州)《荷》入选“纪念中国佛教两千年书画展”(广州)  1999年《花季》入选当代中国青年书画展(北京),《在河之洲》入选建国50周年省美展(广州)《金贝堂之秋》入选建国50周年省美展(广州)《春寒》入选全国第二届中国画鸟画展览《金贝堂之秋》入选第九届全国美术作品展(汕头)  2000年《金贝堂之秋》入选第九届全国美术作品展览优秀作品展(澳门)  2001年《春寒》入选世界潮人美术家作品展(广州)2003.年《玉雪烟霭》入选建国55周年广东省美展(广州)  2005年《江湖一好汉》应邀参加广州花鸟画学术展(广州)  2006年岭南广州美院青年教师作品联展(台湾)2006年广州美院青年画家作品展览(联展)(汕头)  2007年陈少珊工笔画作品展览(广州)
1999年《金贝堂之秋》获第十届全国美展优秀奖,广东省美展铜奖  1999年《花季》获当代中国青年书画展最高奖项—优秀奖出版与收藏
1996年作品《弹吉它的少女》选编入《中国高等美术学院学生研究生作品集?广州美术学院》(河南美术出版社)  1995年《紫菊》选编入《中国画摹本》(岭南美术出版社),《春寒》选编入《广州美术学院95院展作品集》  1998年作品《闪光的记忆》选编入《世界华人书画展作品集》(文化艺术出版社)作品《花鸟》选编入《“中亨杯”全国书画大赛精品集》(民族出版社)作品《南天丽日》选入编《广东中国画展第一回展》(岭南美术出版社)作品《湖上情侣》选编入《雅嘉杯侨乡中华书画大展获奖作品集》(汕头大学出版社)  1999年《春寒》选编入《全国第二届花鸟画展作品集》(中华国际出版社)《金贝堂之秋》选编入《第九届全国美展?中国画作品集》(岭南美术出版社)《金贝堂之秋》选编入《第九届全国美展?获奖作品集》(人民美术出版社)  2000年《陈少珊作品集》(台湾辰雨艺术中心出版)  2001年《在河之洲》选编入《世界潮人美术作品邀请展作品集》(香港艺苑出版社)  2003年作品《在河之洲》《金贝堂之秋》选编入《广州美术学院作品集》(江西美术出版社)作品《金贝堂之秋》选编入《荣宝斋?首回中国画清赏雅集》(中国美术出版总社)《21世纪广东中青年美术家丛书?陈少珊》(岭南美术出版社)《晖》选编入《当代中国画优秀作品选》(人民美术出版社)  2004年作品《玉雪烟霭》选编入《庆祝中华人民共和国55周年广东省美术作品展览》(岭南美术出版社),花鸟《无题》选编入《记者眼中的艺术家》(中国文联出版社)  2005年作品《晖》《金贝堂之秋》选编入《当代中国画优秀作品集?花鸟》(人民美术出版社)《中国当代名家画库?牡丹精选》(叁)(天津杨柳青画社)  2007年作品《农家四屏》选编入《两岸三地岭南画派邀请展作品集》(岭南美术出版社)作品《晖》、《金贝堂之秋》选编入《名家名画》珍藏版(人民美术出版社)作品《闪光的记忆》被中国艺术研究院收藏;《农家之一》被广东美术馆收藏

Introduction to the artist

Be born in Guangdong Shan head. Was graduated from Guangzhou academy of fine arts 1985, obtain bachelor's degree and stay school teach; Graduate student of Guangzhou beautiful courtyard graduated 1992, obtain master's degree. It is associate professor of Guangzhou academy of fine arts now, guangdong saves artist academician, association of artist of Guangdong province youth is standing director. Work is selected beauty of the 8th whole nation is exhibited, Guangdong province founds a state 45 years the United States is exhibited, China is beautiful assist sponsor " medium enjoy " painting and calligraphy of cup whole nation is exhibited greatly (be collected) , found a state 50 years Guangdong art work is exhibited (the award that obtain copper) , . Work early or late by buddhism of couplet of article of Chinese artistic academy, China, Guangdong art gallery of association, Guangdong is collected.   

1994 " sunshine " selected beauty of the 8th whole nation is exhibited (Beijing) , selected found a state 45 years Guangdong province beauty is exhibited (Guangzhou) " mountain Na Chun " selected celebrate found a state 45 years Guangdong province beauty is exhibited (Guangzhou)     1997 " flashy memory " art exhibition of book of selected world Chinese (Beijing) , beautiful club of Guangdong province youth is tasted exhibit (Guangzhou) " spring chill " work of selected Guangzhou academy of fine arts is exhibited (Beijing)     1998 " Na Tianli day " selected Guangdong beauty assist China is drawn art appoint the traditional Chinese painting in the meeting first, " pear spends rain during springtime " selected 1998 " art exhibition of award of Jin Cai award, peony cup new personality " (Zhengzhou) " carry on one's shoulder or back " selected " painting and calligraphy exhibited commemorative China buddhism 2000 " (Guangzhou)     1999 " beautiful season " painting and calligraphy of youth of selected and contemporary China, " in the river continent " selected found a state 50 years to save the United States to exhibit (Guangzhou) " golden shellfish Tang Zhiqiu " selected found a state 50 years to save the United States to exhibit (Guangzhou) " spring chill " the 2nd Chinese picture bird of selected whole nation is drawn. Year " Yu Xue mists and clouds " selected found a state 55 years Guangdong province beauty is exhibited (Guangzhou)     2005 " one brave man of all corners of the country " attend Guangzhou painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style to draw learning to exhibit on invitation (Guangzhou) couplet of work of teacher of youth of courtyard of beauty of the Guangzhou austral mountain exhibited     2006 (Taiwan) 2006 Guangzhou
Bear the palm
1999 " golden shellfish Tang Zhiqiu " obtain beauty of the 10th whole nation to exhibit outstanding award, guangdong province beauty exhibits cupreous award   1999 " beautiful season " obtain painting and calligraphy of contemporary China youth to exhibit top prize, outstanding award is published with collect
Editor paragraph of publication work
1996 work " play auspicious its girl " choose be classified " collect of work of graduate student of student of Chinese advanced academy of fine arts? Guangzhou academy of fine arts " (Henan art publishing house)     1995 " violet chrysanthemum " choose be classified " China draws copy " (publishing house of art of mountain South America) , " spring chill " choose be classified " do 95 courtyards exhibit Guangzhou academy of fine arts work collect "     1998 work " flashy memory " choose be classified " collect of work of art exhibition of world Chinese book " (culture art publishing house) work " painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style " choose be classified " " in henry cup " completely? Collect of Chinese picture work " (publishing house of art of mountain South America) " of Jinbeitang autumn " choose be classified " is beauty of the 9th whole nation exhibited? Collect of work of bear the palm " (people art publishing house)     2000 " collect of Chen Shaoshan work " (does center of Chen Yuyi art publish Taiwan)     2001 " in the river continent " choose be classified " does work of art of world tide person invite extend work market " (? Does first times Chinese picture Qing Dynasty enjoy elegant market " (does Chinese art publish total company) " a series of books of artist of the youth in 21 centuries Guangdong? Chen Shaoshan " (publishing house of the art austral mountain) " sunshine " choose be classified " outstanding work picks the traditional Chinese painting in now " (people art publishing house)     2004 work " Yu Xue mists and clouds " choose be classified " 55 years of Guangdong save congratulatory People's Republic of China, painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style " no title " choose be classified " the artist in reporter eye " (press of Chinese article couplet)     2005 work " sunshine " " golden shellfish Tang Zhiqiu " choose be classified " does contemporary China draw outstanding work volume? Painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style " (people art publishing house) " does Chinese contemporary a person of academic or artistic distinction draw a library? Peony concentration " (three) (Tianjin willow blueness draws a company)     2007 work " farmhouse 4 screen " choose be classified " two sides draws a clique to invite south 3 ground mountain extend work market " (publishing house of art of mountain South America) work " sunshine " , " Jin Beitang; " one of farmhouse " be collected by Guangdong art gallery






    最近更新:2024-07-24 00:00:47
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